Tag Archives: repiping your home

Expert Advice on Seamless Home Repiping

Seamless Home Repiping

Plumbing systems don’t last forever; at some point, they must be replaced, says TRI Property Pros Management. When the issues in your plumbing become so bad that the cost of fixing them is greater than the cost of replacing the pipes, it is time to repipe your home.

Some of the problems you will see in your plumbing if your home needs repiping include:

  • Recurring leaks: Pipes that are old and fragile will leak frequently. Fixing the leak may even worsen the problem by creating more leaks.
  • Low water pressure: Sometimes you can notice a low water pressure. If the problem is not from the municipal water supply and the pipe is not leaking, it could be that the pipe channel is severely clogged.
  • Discolored water: Brown/yellowish, bad-tasting, and smelly water can be due to leaks or severe sedimentation within the pipe channel.

Your home may also need repiping if:

  • Your pipes are old: All plumbing pipes come with a use-before date. Pipes that have reached this date should be replaced.
  • You have lead/galvanized steel pipes: Since the 1980s lead water lines have been banned. Because of their high rate of corrosion, galvanized pipes are no longer used in homes.
  • You are remodeling your home: If you are planning to remodel your kitchen or bathroom, you can save money and time by taking this opportunity to also repipe your home.

Home repiping; what does it involve?

When repiping your home, the existing cold/hot water pipes, as well as, drain lines are removed and replaced with new ones. As can be imagined, this painstaking process takes a lot of time and money, which is why, you want to make sure to do it right. 

What does the actual home repiping process look like?

Professional assessment

Involving an expert in this project, from start to finish, ensures that problems in your home are accurately diagnosed and the solutions properly implemented. It is not possible, just by looking at the plumbing issues in your home, to determine if your home needs repiping or how much of your plumbing needs to be replaced. Getting a professional plumber to inspect the plumbing will tell you the kind of damage and scope of work required. A competent plumber also ensures your new pipe is installed according to current plumbing standards.

Getting your home ready

Depending on the amount of work to be done, you can do this yourself to save costs. But if it is a lot of work, it is better to let the plumber handle it. To prepare your home for repiping, you must take steps to prevent damage to your furniture and appliances. Typically, because the plumber will cut into the drywall, you have to spread plastic sheets or tarp over your belongings to protect them. Your water supply will also be shut off during this period; meaning your home may be unlivable throughout the project.

Choose your pipes

It makes sense to use a better alternative to your existing pipes, even if you don’t have lead or galvanized steel pipes in your home. Typically, you have to choose between PEX, copper, and CPVC. All three types of pipe materials come with their unique advantages and drawbacks, plus specific cost implications.

  • Copper: It is more durable than PEX and doesn’t corrode. It is heat-resistant and can withstand shocks from earthquakes. Copper doesn’t breed bacteria and it lasts for decades. However, it is prone to freezing, requires insulation and it is costly.
  • PEX: It is flexible and less prone to water hammers. It is more affordable than copper and easier to install. PEX pipes are naturally insulated, so they are less likely to freeze and will not crack even if they freeze. But they are less durable than copper pipes.
  • CPVC: They are easy to work with and cheap. CPVC pipes have high acidity resistance. However, they are prone to cracking during an earthquake and cost more than PVC.

Some materials, like PEX, need an installer who is certified for that kind of installation. Some plumbers also prefer to work with specific materials.

Repipe your home

After covering your belongings with plastic sheets, the plumber will mark the exact location of the pipes within the walls of your house. Depending on the type of foundation they may access the pipes inside the flooring through the ceiling or basement or by digging into the subfloor. If you are replacing your main water line and drain lines the plumber may need to excavate in your yard. Because you have to fix your damaged landscaping afterward, this will increase your costs.

How long does it take to repipe your home? It depends on the size of your home and the number of fixtures that need to be fitted. But generally, you can expect the entire process to take a maximum of one week. For smaller houses, it can take a few days.

This also depends on the quality of the plumber you hire for the project. A competent plumber can minimize the amount of disruption to your family. By preparing adequately and avoiding amateurish mistakes a professional plumber will save you time and money.

What to Expect When You Decide to Repipe Your Home

What to Expect When You Decide to Repipe Your Home

Repiping your home is not an upgrade any homeowner is excited to do in their home, says Louise Beck Properties. While you may understand the critical role played by your water pipes, you typically don’t like spending all that money to replace them.

This is why most homeowners don’t think of repiping their house until problems in their plumbing system force them to do it. Most homeowners only decide to repipe their property after they have had a plumbing disaster.

But like all the major systems in your home, your water pipes also have an expiration date. Pipes’ lifespan depends on the pipe material, the chemical composition of your water, how well you maintain the pipes, and a host of other factors.

Generally speaking, galvanized pipes last 20-50 years. Brass pipes have a longer lifespan of 40–70 years. Copper pipes have a life expectancy of 50+ years, and cast iron has the longest lifespan of any metal water pipe (75 -100 years). Plastic pipes last indefinitely.

If you are reading this, you are probably on the verge of repiping your home but also trying to familiarize yourself with the process (perhaps to avoid biting off more than you can chew). If this is true, this post will explain what you should expect when repiping your home.

What to expect when repiping your home

How long will it take to repipe your home?

This depends on whether you are repiping the entire house or just a section. Whole-house repiping may take up to a week to complete, but partial repiping can be completed in as little as one day. The plumber needs to assess the work to say how long it will take.

How will the project affect your family?

If you are repiping the entire home, it is best to move your family away from the house during the duration of the project. Due to the highly disruptive nature of repiping a house, your family will be without many of the comforts they are used to. Also, to give your plumber the space he needs to do the work properly, it is best if you vacate your home.

How invasive is this project?

What are the specific ways that repiping your home will disrupt your family’s day-to-day life?

  • No running water: The home may be without running water for a few hours, the entire day, or more than two days. It depends on the scope of the work. When you work with an experienced plumber, it is possible to have them shut off the water during working hours but restore the service before the end of each day. 
  • Damage to walls, flooring, and ceilings: To access your old pipes, the workers must cut into your walls, flooring, and ceiling. To get at the walls or flooring, they may have to move appliances and furniture around. While you can expect the plumber to use drop-cloths to protect your home and belongings, your home will still be in disarray for the period. 
  • Noise and dust: Like any construction site, you should expect dust and noise during this project. Earplugs may help you escape the worst noise, and draping floors or furniture with plastic sheeting can shield them from dust. However, there is no way to completely escape the inconvenience while your home is repiped. 
  • No access to rooms: Depending on how the pipes in your home are routed, you may lose access to your bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen. Privacy will be a problem if you decide to stay at home during the project. You may also not be able to prepare meals in the kitchen.

Expect to repair your walls, ceilings, and flooring

After repiping is completed, you have to fix your damaged walls, floors, and ceiling. This added cost is separate from the actual cost of repiping your home. Of course, a competent contractor will include this additional cost in their estimates, but it is essential to know it from the start.

Getting your home ready for repiping

Repiping your home does not have to be excessively disruptive if you plan and prepare for it. What steps should you take to reduce the impact of this project on your family? Planning is the best way to minimize the effect of repiping.

  • Once your plumber provides a timeline for the work, you can plan it according to your schedules.
  • Better still, you can plan to be away from home during this period.
  • You can also move into one of the rooms that will not be affected or arrange for the work to be done in such a way as to let you always have one room available for your family.

Lastly, when repiping your home, you need patience. But more than anything else, you need a professional plumber who can sit down with you to work out a plan that will help to reduce the project’s effect on your family and finances.

When to Consider Repiping Your Home: 3 Key Clues

When to Consider Repiping Your Home

When most homeowners are looking at ways to improve the market value of their property, they rarely think of projects like whole-house repiping. As a rule, SGI Management Dallas most homeowners will never replace the water pipes in their homes unless forced to do so.

That is because repiping a home’s plumbing is a lot of work; labor-intensive and time-consuming. These make it an expensive project and homeowners are naturally motivated to avoid projects that take money out of their pocket.

Secondly, repiping your home will not have a visible impact on its appearance. In other words, it will not improve your home’s curb appeal and homeowners typically want upgrades that boost their home’s aesthetics.

For these reasons, the generality of homeowners don’t see the need to repipe their homes. As long as the existing pipes are working, even if there are occasional problems, repiping the home is very far from their mind.

However, replacing your home water lines is critical for maintaining the safety of your water supply, especially if there are small children or vulnerable adults such as pregnant women in the home. This project also improves the performance of your plumbing while helping to cut costs.

However, given the cost of repiping your home, you only want to undertake this project when necessary. What are the signs that it is time to repipe your home and why is it important to do this project sooner rather than later?

Signs it is time to repipe your home

Most repiping projects are done because of a terrible leak or burst. But there is no need to wait until plumbing emergencies force you to pay closer attention to the condition and performance of your cold and hot water pipes.

If you are planning to remodel your home and the project involves the kitchen and bathrooms that is the perfect opportunity to repipe your home. Since you will have to repipe the property at some point anyway, you might as well do it now to save costs.

Other situations where you should consider repiping your home include:

If the house was built before 1986 or between the 1940s and 1970s

Most homes built before the 1986 Safe Water Act have lead pipes in their plumbing. Lead pipes are banned for water pipes. Lead particles can find their way into the water supply and cause lead poisoning, which can lead to permanent brain or nervous system damage.

Galvanized steel pipes are common in homes built between the 1940s and 1970s. While safer than lead pipes, galvanized steel pipes, have their problems. They are vulnerable to corrosion and as a result, are prone to leakages. Your home’s overall maintenance cost will be adversely affected if you have galvanized steel pipes in the plumbing

Frequent water leaks and water discoloration

If you are constantly dealing with pipe leaks, it may be time to repipe your home. Leaks are a common problem in water pipes but if they become a permanent feature of the system, it means your pipes have become weak. The cost of fixing damage caused by leaks – especially in walls, ceilings or slab foundations – may be higher than the cost of repiping the home.

Water discoloration is either caused by pipe leaks that admit soil and other contaminants into the water supply or excessive corrosion and buildup within the pipes. If your water pipes are rusted to the point where they are changing the color of your water, the only way to fix the problem is to repipe your home. The contaminants in discolored water can harm your health, appliances and plumbing fixtures.

Pipes are visibly corroded and there is low water pressure

If you can see clear signs of severe wear and tear on exposed sections of the water pipes, it may be time to repipe your home. These signs include flaking or staining. These are telltale signs that the pipes are seriously corroded and well on their way to failure. Replacing the pipe as soon as possible will help you avoid major problems, with higher repair costs, in the future.

If the problem is not from the city water supply or due to leaks in your main water line, low water pressure in your home can be caused by rusty water pipes. Corrosion and sediment buildup in water pipes can narrow their channel, limiting the volume of water the system can carry. If you have a problem with low water pressure across your entire home, it may be time to repipe the house.

Finally, why should you repipe your home?

There are good financial reasons for doing this project. Although repiping your home will not reflect on your building’s appearance, buyers will be willing to pay you more for your home if they know they have nothing to worry about the plumbing system.

Five Plumbing Improvements to Increase the Value of Your Home

Five Plumbing Improvements to Increase the Value of Your Home

Your home’s plumbing is usually not the first thing that comes to your mind when you’re thinking of ways to improve your property’s value. Most homeowners don’t even see a connection between their home’s plumbing and its market value.

That is why, when planning for upgrades, such homeowners often focus on trendy updates that aim to quickly grab buyers’ attention. But savvy homeowners don’t do this; they know something that most less-experienced homeowners don’t understand.

They know that the quality of their home’s major systems has a bigger impact on its value than any cosmetic changes they can make to the building. Smart homeowners realize that, in the end, buyers base their buying decisions on the ordinary features of the home, like the plumbing.

That is why, before putting money into improving the home’s aesthetics, these smart owners invest in the building’s major systems. Mark Brower Properties explains that due to its impact on the structural integrity of their home, the plumbing system is one of these homeowners’ main focuses.

That is a strategy you want to adopt when planning to renovate your home. Focusing on your home’s plumbing and other major systems of the house can help to ensure that you get maximum returns on any money you spend on cosmetic improvements.

What plumbing improvements can you make to your home to improve its value today? The five plumbing improvements explained below are good places to start.

a fresh entire home repiping job.

Repiping your home will make it more attractive to buyers because they won’t have to worry about the home’s plumbing maintenance costs.

Plumbing upgrades to improve your home’s value

Whole-house repipe

If the pipes in your home are close to their replacement date or you have been experiencing a spate of pipe issues, nothing will add more value to your home than doing a full home repiping. Problems like frequent blockages, burst pipes, low water pressure and poor water quality are often caused by aging pipes. They cost a lot of money to fix and exert a huge toll on your building’s structure. Repiping your home will make it more attractive to buyers because they won’t have to worry about the home’s plumbing maintenance costs. When doing this project, ensure that you upgrade to superior pipe materials like PVC, copper or PEX piping.

Eco-friendly upgrades

Eco-friendly plumbing upgrades help to cut your home’s energy costs. Every buyer wants a house that is not costly to maintain. Environmentally-conscious buyers in particular, go out of their way to look for features that will help to reduce their home’s environmental footprint. Since these buyers are often well-educated and affluent, eco-friendly plumbing features will make your home attractive to the upper echelons of the market. Some eco-friendly plumbing upgrades to consider include efficient washers, dishwashers, toilets or water heaters and faucets.

Replace worn-out plumbing fixtures

Old, worn-out fixtures diminish your home’s comfort through their negative impact on plumbing efficiency. Outdated plumbing fixtures will also impair the aesthetics of your home. Your old faucets and showerheads can cause problems like low water pressure. If you are planning to repipe your home, it makes a lot of sense to also replace your fixtures. The old fixtures will not perform to the level of your new piping. Furthermore, the style of those old fixtures will probably clash with the new ambience you are creating in the home. Examples of plumbing fixtures that you may want to replace include faucets, water heaters, and showerheads.

insulating your pipes during winter is a smart move.

A good portion of your home’s energy costs are incurred via energy losses from exposed hot water pipes.

Insulating your pipes

Another great option for upgrading your home’s plumbing is to insulate your water pipes. A good portion of your home’s energy costs are incurred via energy losses from exposed hot water pipes. Exposed water pipes are also likely to freeze and burst during winter. Insulating these pipes not only improves the resilience of your plumbing, it can result in significant cuts to your energy spending. There are many ways to insulate the water pipes in your. Regardless of the method you choose, this upgrade will make your home more valuable and a lot more attractive to buyers.

Add a tankless water heater

A conventional water heater can easily aggravate your home maintenance woes. Because they store heated water and have to reheat that water several times a day, tank water heaters use up a lot of energy. Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, do not have this problem. Because they provide hot water on demand, tankless water heaters are more efficient and can help to cut your home’s energy and maintenance costs. You never have to worry about not having enough hot water when you upgrade and install a tankless water heater.

Which of these plumbing upgrades should you start with? That depends on how much you have and how bad the plumbing in your home is. If you plan on repiping your entire house, you can make the cost more manageable by doing the project in phases. Also, talk to an experienced plumber; they can give you insights that will help you make the most of every dollar.

How to Improve Your Water Quality By Repiping Your Home

How to Improve Your Water Quality By Repiping Your Home

Having clean and safe water is crucial for the health and well-being of your family. Over time, older pipes in your home can corrode, leading to water quality issues and potential health risks. Repiping your home can be an effective solution to improve the water quality throughout your house. This article will guide you through the process of repiping your home to enhance your water quality and ensure a healthier living environment.

Understanding the Importance of Water Quality

Before diving into the repiping process, it is essential to understand the significance of water quality. Poor water quality can be harmful to your health, causing issues such as gastrointestinal problems, respiratory infections, and skin irritations. Additionally, contaminated water can damage household appliances and plumbing fixtures, leading to costly repairs or replacements.

By having your home professionally repiped, you can eliminate the risks associated with aging and corroded pipes, ensuring the delivery of clean, fresh water to every faucet.

Signs that Repiping is Needed

Recognizing when it’s time to repipe your home is crucial to prevent any further water quality deterioration. Look out for the following signs:

  • Low water pressure: If you notice a significant drop in water pressure, it may indicate corroded pipes that restrict water flow.
  • Frequent leaks: Aging pipes are more prone to leaks. If you find yourself dealing with frequent leaks, it may be time to consider repiping.
  • Discolored water: Rusty or discolored water coming from your taps is a sign of corroded pipes that require replacement.
  • Foul odor or strange taste: Unpleasant odors or tastes are indicators of impurities in your water supply.
a plumbing contractor finalizing plans.

When selecting a plumber, consider their experience, qualifications, and reputation. It’s also important to verify if they are licensed, insured, and offer warranties for their work.

Hiring a Professional Plumber

Repiping your home is a complex task that requires the expertise of a professional plumber. When selecting a plumber, consider their experience, qualifications, and reputation. It’s also important to verify if they are licensed, insured, and offer warranties for their work. A reliable plumber near you will assess your home’s plumbing system, determine the extent of repiping needed, and provide you with an accurate cost estimate.

Choosing the Right Pipes

Selecting the appropriate pipes for your repiping project is vital for ensuring better water quality and longevity. Two popular options are:

1. Copper Pipes: Copper pipes are known for their durability, resistance to corrosion, and ability to maintain water quality. While they may be more expensive upfront, they are considered a long-term investment due to their lifespan of 50+ years.

2. PEX Pipes: Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipes are a flexible and cost-effective option. They are resistant to corrosion and offer better insulation, reducing the risks of temperature-related issues.

The Repiping Process

The repiping process involves careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps involved:

  • Assessment: A professional plumber will inspect your existing plumbing system to determine the extent of repiping required. This helps in creating a detailed plan for the project.
  • Preparation: This involves clearing the work area, shutting off the water supply, and ensuring the safety of your belongings.
  • Demolition: Removal of the old pipes is conducted, taking care to minimize any damage to the surrounding infrastructure.
  • Installation: The new pipes are carefully installed, following the pre-defined plan. This stage requires expertise to ensure proper connections and functionality.
  • Finishing touches: Once the new pipes are in place, the plumber will perform pressure tests to identify any potential leaks. They will also reconnect fixtures, appliances, and ensure proper functioning.
a freshly unclogged kitchen sink drain.

Eliminating corroded pipes ensures cleaner and healthier water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

Benefits of Repiping

Repiping your home offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Improved water quality: Eliminating corroded pipes ensures cleaner and healthier water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.
  • Enhanced water pressure: Repiping allows for optimal water flow, resulting in increased water pressure throughout your home.
  • Prevention of costly repairs: Investing in repiping eliminates the need for frequent repairs caused by leaks or pipe bursts, saving you money in the long run.
  • Increased property value: Upgrading your plumbing system by repiping can increase the value of your home.

Maintaining Water Quality After Repiping

While repiping greatly improves your water quality, it’s essential to follow these maintenance tips to ensure long-lasting results:

  • Regular inspections: Schedule periodic inspections to detect any potential issues early.
  • Prevent chemical damage: Avoid pouring harsh chemicals down your drains, as they can damage the pipes and affect water quality.

To Sum It Up

Improving your water quality by repiping your home is a significant investment that guarantees better health, increased property value, and peace of mind. By understanding the signs indicating the need for repiping, hiring a residential plumber, selecting the right pipes, and following proper maintenance practices, you can achieve long-lasting and reliable water quality throughout your home.

Upgrading Older Homes: Why Repiping is a Sound Investment

Why Repiping is a Sound Investment

Owning an older home is a dream come true for many homeowners. There is a certain charm and character that comes with old houses that make them stand out from the rest. However, these homes come with their fair share of challenges.

One significant challenge is the outdated plumbing system that can become problematic with time. This is where repiping comes in.

Repiping an older home is not only a necessary investment, but it also offers several benefits that make it a sound investment. This article will provide an in-depth look at upgrading older homes and why repiping is a good investment.

The Importance of Upgrading Older Homes

Older homes come with outdated and worn-out systems that can become a significant inconvenience for the homeowner. These systems may include the electrical, HVAC, and plumbing systems.

Upgrading these systems is essential, not only to enhance the functionality of the house but also to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants.

One of the most critical systems that need upgrading in an older home is the plumbing system. The plumbing system is responsible for delivering clean water for drinking and domestic use while also removing waste water.

An old and outdated plumbing system can lead to several problems, such as leaks, low water pressure, or even contamination of the water supply.

The Benefits of Repiping an Older Home

Repiping an older home involves replacing the worn-out pipes with new ones. This process can offer several benefits that make it a sound investment for any homeowner. These benefits include:

Increased water pressure

Old, corroded pipes can reduce water pressure and flow rate in the house. This can become a significant inconvenience, especially if you have multiple people using the water supply at the same time.

Repiping the house can increase the water pressure and flow rate significantly, enhancing the functionality of the plumbing system.

Better water quality

Old pipes are prone to rust and corrosion, which can lead to contamination of the water supply. Repiping the house can eliminate any harmful contaminants, ensuring clean and fresh water supply.

Energy efficiency

Old pipes can lead to water wastage, which can increase your water bills significantly. Repiping your home can reduce water wastage, ensuring a more energy-efficient plumbing system.

a home being repiped by a plumber.

Repiping your home can reduce water wastage, ensuring a more energy-efficient plumbing system.

Improved Resale Value

Repiping your older home can provide a considerable boost to its resale value. A house with an outdated and worn-out plumbing system can scare away potential buyers. A repiped house, on the other hand, offers a functional and efficient plumbing system, an attractive feature for potential buyers.

When to Consider Repiping an Older Home

The decision to repipe an older home can be a significant one for any homeowner. Several signs can indicate the need for repiping. These signs include:

Low Water Pressure

Low water pressure is a clear sign of a plumbing system in distress. If you experience low water pressure frequently, it’s a sign that your pipes are clogged, corroded, or in bad shape.

Water Discoloration

If you notice discoloration in your water, this could be a sign of rust and other contaminants. While some discoloration may be temporary, frequent changes in water color should prompt a repiping project.

Frequent leaks

Old pipes are prone to leaks, which can lead to water damage and mold growth. If you experience frequent leaks in your plumbing system, it’s an indication that the pipes have reached the end of their lifespan.

The Repiping Process

Repiping an older home is a complex process that involves replacing outdated pipes with new ones. The process may involve opening up walls, ceilings, and floors, which can be a daunting prospect for any homeowner.

The first step in the repiping process is a thorough camera inspection of the existing drain system. This inspection will determine the extent of the damage and the scope of the project.

Once the inspection is complete, the plumber will map out a plan for the repiping process. This plan will include the type of new pipes to be installed, the routing of the pipes, and the areas that need to be opened up.

The actual repiping process involves cutting holes in the walls, floors, and ceilings to access the existing pipes. The plumber will then remove the old pipes and replace them with new ones.

The repiping process can take several days to complete, depending on the size of the house and the extent of the damage.

Hiring a Professional Plumber for Repiping

Repiping an older home requires a professional plumber with experience in handling such projects. Hiring a plumber ensures the entire process is done correctly and efficiently.

When choosing a professional plumber for repiping, consider the following:


Ensure the plumber you hire has experience in repiping older homes. They should have handled similar projects in the past and have a good reputation in the industry.

Licenses and Insurance

Ensure the plumber has the appropriate licenses and insurance to handle the project. This protects you from any liability in case of injuries or damages during the project.


Get a detailed estimate of the cost of the repiping project upfront, including any unexpected expenses that may arise. This ensures you don’t have to deal with any surprises later on.


Repiping an older home is a sound investment for any homeowner. It not only enhances the functionality and efficiency of the plumbing system but also provides several other benefits like better water quality and increased energy efficiency.

If you notice any signs of a distressed plumbing system like low water pressure, water discoloration, or frequent leaks, consider repiping your home. Hire a professional plumber with experience in repiping projects to ensure your repiping project is done correctly and efficiently, giving you peace of mind for years to come.