Tag Archives: plumbers to avoid in chicago

Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Plumbing Company in Chicago

the hiring of a chicago plumber.

Based on figures from the 2023 Census Bureau data, there are approximately 2,270 plumbers, pipefitters and steamfitters in Chicago. If you are looking for a reliable plumber to fix the plumbing in your home or business premises, this is a huge number to sift through.

That would not be a problem if every plumber in Chicago were trustworthy. But that is not the case. While there are hundreds of good plumbers in the city and even some outstanding ones, there are also many rogue plumbers who will not hesitate to scam you.

The cost of hiring these dishonest plumbers goes beyond the financial losses you will suffer. As C&C Property Management warns, an inept plumber will impair the efficiency of your plumbing and also shorten its lifespan. In short, when you work with the wrong plumber, you will pay more to get less service.

That is why you want to have a system for ensuring the plumber you hire for your Chicago home or business is capable. With so many plumbers in the city, how do you do that? This post will explain the common mistakes to avoid when hiring a Chicago plumber.

Hiring an unlicensed plumber

There is a reason why unlicensed plumbers are usually cheaper. They take shortcuts when fixing your plumbing, they may not use the right parts, and most important of all, because they have very little to lose, they have no incentive to do the right thing. Conversely, a licensed plumber knows they could lose their license if they violate the standards of their trade.

a plumber with years of experience in chicago.

A good plumber will not hesitate to share the contacts of past or current customers. But a bad plumber may also not have problems providing references.

Overlooking a plumber’s lack of experience

Experience matters not just because an experienced plumber will do a better job. It is also because a brand-new plumbing company might be a fly-by-night operation. Another reason is if a plumber has been practicing in a locality for a long time, it is probably because they are capable. It is hard for a bad plumber to remain in the same location for long.

Not following up on references

A good plumber will not hesitate to share the contacts of past or current customers. But a bad plumber may also not have problems providing references. That is because he knows most people will not contact the people on the list. When looking to hire a plumber, not only should you ask for references, you should check with those contacts.

Failing to ask if they are insured

The right plumber will not only have insurance, but they will have the right kinds of insurance. At the very least, you expect a plumber to have workers’ compensations, property damage and liability insurance. It is a huge bonus if they are bonded. But don’t simply accept a plumber’s words. Reach out to the insurer to verify that the plumber is insured by them.

Accepting a quote over the phone

No reputable plumber will try to give you a quote over the phone. Companies that provide estimates over the phone are more likely to overcharge or use dishonest means to get customers to pay more. They may do a shoddy job to ensure they can make a profit. If a plumber does not offer free on-site estimates, do not hire them.

Choosing the cheapest plumber

By comparing quotes from different plumbers, you will get a fair idea of how much it should cost to fix any plumbing issue. When comparing estimates, you want to avoid the two extremes. Just because a plumber is expensive doesn’t mean they will do a great job. On the other hand, a plumber who is very cheap will almost always do a terrible job. Shoot for a midpoint between costly and cheap.

get everything in writing before selecting a plumber in chicago.

It is always a good idea to have a firm written contract for all major plumbing jobs or when fixing issues with a significant risk.

Not getting everything in writing

A contract that is not in writing is not binding since there is no proof. You may not need a written contract for minor plumbing jobs, especially if there is a longstanding relationship between you and the plumber. It is always a good idea to have a firm written contract for all major plumbing jobs or when fixing issues with a significant risk.

Waiting until emergencies to find a plumber

The final mistake is to wait until you have a plumbing emergency before you start to look for a plumber. Negotiations-wise, you are at a disadvantage when under pressure to fix an ongoing emergency. You are likely to take the first plumber you find without asking too many questions. Avoid this situation by finding yourself a legit emergency plumber before you have a plumbing emergency.

To conclude, you will certainly find the best plumber for your Chicago home or business if you avoid these eight mistakes.

But if these steps seem like a lot of work or you have a plumbing issue that you need to fix right away, save yourself the trouble by contacting us below!

Chicago Plumbing Company Price Gouging: True Story

a happy elderly woman who experienced plumbing price gouging in chicago.

Welcome to our article investigating the alleged price gouging practices of a plumbing company operating in the city of Chicago. As plumbing issues can often arise unexpectedly and require urgent attention, it is important for homeowners and businesses to be aware of potential unethical practices that may occur within the industry.

We write this article after receiving a call from an elderly woman who was smart enough to call us after her son told her this other company was price gouging. We were able to bring a sigh of relief and tears of joy over the phone with this woman, which made everyone happy in the end.

The Plumbing Industry in Chicago

Before delving into the specific case of price gouging, let’s take a moment to understand the plumbing industry in Chicago. As the 3rd largest city in the US, Chicago is home to numerous plumbing companies, ranging from small local businesses to larger corporations.

Many of these businesses offer a wide range of services, including pipe installation, repairs, maintenance, and emergency plumbing services. With a growing population and infrastructure, the demand for plumbers in the city of Chicago has been steadily increasing.

The Alleged Price Gouging Incident

It is crucial to highlight that price gouging is an illegal practice in most jurisdictions, including Chicago. Price gouging occurs when a company unfairly raises the prices of its goods or services during times of high demand or emergency situations.

In this particular incident, a Chicago-based plumbing company has been accused of taking advantage of customers’ urgent plumbing needs and significantly overcharging for their services. The company allegedly charged exorbitant prices for simple repairs and basic maintenance, which were far above industry standards (56%!).

Impact on Customers

The alleged price gouging practices of this plumbing company not only affect customers’ wallets but also erode trust in the industry as a whole. Many customers have reported feeling cheated, taken advantage of, and left with no choice but to pay the inflated prices due to the urgency of their plumbing issues.

Moreover, price gouging can have a long-lasting impact on customers’ perception of plumbing services in general. Once trust is broken, it becomes harder for consumers to differentiate between genuine and dishonest providers, leading to skepticism and reluctance to seek professional help when needed.

price gouging plumbing estimate.

It is advisable to research and compare prices among different plumbing companies before committing to any specific service provider.

Identifying Price Gouging

While it may be difficult to identify price gouging until after the fact, there are some indicators that customers can watch out for to protect themselves from such practices:

  • Significant price discrepancies: If the cost of services offered by a plumbing company vastly exceeds the average market rates, it may be a clear indicator of price gouging.
  • Lack of transparency: Beware of companies that fail to provide detailed explanations for pricing, refuse to provide written estimates, or seem evasive when questioned about their charges.
  • Unjustified urgency: Some unethical companies may exaggerate the urgency of a plumbing issue to justify higher prices. Always take a moment to assess the situation and consult multiple professionals if possible.
  • Research and comparisons: It is advisable to research and compare prices among different plumbing companies before committing to any specific service provider. This helps in understanding the average market rates and identifying potential outliers.

Legal Actions and Consumer Protection

Authorities in Chicago take price gouging allegations seriously and have measures in place to protect consumers against unfair business practices. In the event of suspected price gouging, affected customers should:

  • Gather evidence: Maintain copies of invoices, receipts, or any form of communication with the plumbing company as proof of the alleged price gouging.
  • File a complaint: Reach out to local consumer protection agencies, such as the Better Business Bureau, or contact the Attorney General’s office to report the incident and file a formal complaint.


Price gouging within the plumbing industry is a serious concern that jeopardizes trust between service providers and customers. While the alleged incident discussed in this article highlights an unfortunate case, it is essential to understand that such practices are not representative of the entire industry.

As consumers, it is important to remain vigilant, educate ourselves on industry standards, and be aware of our rights. By doing so, we can protect ourselves and hold businesses accountable for fair pricing practices. Remember, price gouging is illegal, and there are legal measures in place to safeguard consumer interests.

Be proactive, informed, and cautious when seeking plumbing services in Chicago to ensure that you receive fair and transparent pricing for your plumbing needs.