Tag Archives: conserve water

Ways to Conserve Water in the Shower or Bath in Chicago

Ways to Conserve Water in the Shower or Bath in Chicago

As the demand for water continues to increase and the availability of freshwater sources becomes limited, it is essential for us to adopt water saving practices in our daily lives. Below we will explore various tips and techniques that can help you conserve water while still enjoying a refreshing shower or bath experience. Whether you’re a Chicago resident or simply interested in water conservation, these tips will be valuable to you.

The Importance of Water Conservation

Water is a precious resource that we often take for granted. In Chicago, where Lake Michigan provides the main water source, it’s easy to overlook the need for conservation. However, water scarcity is a global issue, and every drop saved counts. By conserving water in our showers and baths, we not only reduce our monthly utility bills but also contribute to the larger goal of preserving the planet’s freshwater resources for future generations.

Understanding Water Usage in Showers and Baths

Before we delve into water saving techniques, it’s important to understand how much water is typically used during showers and baths. On average, a standard showerhead releases about 2.5 gallons of water per minute, while a bathtub can hold up to 70 gallons of water when filled to the brim. These numbers may seem insignificant on their own, but they quickly add up over time and across multiple households. These tips will help lower your overall water bill costs if you have noticed a spike in your recent water bills.

Tips for Water Conservation in the Shower

1. Install Low-Flow Showerheads: Consider replacing your existing showerhead with a low-flow alternative. These showerheads are designed to restrict water flow while maintaining sufficient water pressure. By doing so, you can significantly reduce water consumption without compromising your shower experience. This can be an easy DIY project or if you choose so, you can call a plumber in Chicago to assist you.

2. Take Shorter Showers: Challenge yourself to shorten your shower time. Set a timer or play a favorite song to keep track of time. Aim for showers that last no longer than five minutes. By doing this, you can save gallons of water with each shower.

3. Turn Off the Water: While soaping up or shampooing your hair, turn off the water to minimize wastage. Only turn it back on when rinsing off the lather. This simple habit can go a long way in conserving water.

4. Use a Shower Bucket: Place a bucket in your shower to collect the initial cold water that usually flows before the desired temperature is reached. You can later use this water for watering plants or other household purposes.

5. Repair Leaks: Regularly check for leaks in your showerhead or faucet. Even a small leak can waste a significant amount of water over time. Repair any leaks promptly to prevent unnecessary water wastage.

recycling is a good way to conserve water.

After taking a bath, don’t let the water go to waste. Use it to water plants, clean floors, or flush toilets, thus maximizing its utility before disposal.

Tips for Water Conservation in the Bath

1. Opt for Showers Instead: Generally, taking a shower consumes less water compared to filling up a bathtub. If you have the option, choose a shower over a bath whenever possible.

2. Limit Bathtub Capacity: If you prefer baths, consider filling the tub with less water. Restricting the water level will save gallons of water without compromising your relaxation time.

3. Share the Bathwater: If you have young children or family members who bathe at similar times, consider sharing the bathwater. This not only saves water but also promotes a sense of family togetherness.

4. Use Bathwater for Other Purposes: After taking a bath, don’t let the water go to waste. Use it to water plants, clean floors, or flush toilets, thus maximizing its utility before disposal.

5. Take Infrequent Baths: Baths can be a luxurious way to unwind, but it’s important to be conscious of their water consumption. Consider limiting the number of baths you take each week and opt for showers on other days.

Water conservation is everyone’s responsibility, and simple actions can have a significant impact. By implementing the tips mentioned in this article, you can play your part in conserving water in the shower or bath. Whether you choose to install low-flow showerheads, take shorter showers, or reuse bathwater, every effort counts.

How to Reduce Your Water Usage With a New Toilet Installation

a plumber installing toilet that will help reduce water usage.

Did you know that toilets account for a significant portion of household water usage? In fact, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), toilets can consume up to 30% of the total water used in an average household. This excessive water usage not only puts a strain on the environment but also adds to your water bills.

If you’re looking to reduce your water consumption and make your home more eco-friendly, one of the most effective steps you can take is to install a new, high-efficiency toilet. In this article, we will guide you through the process of reducing your water usage by upgrading to a water-saving toilet.

Assess Your Existing Toilet

Before purchasing a new toilet, it’s important to evaluate your existing toilet’s water usage. Older toilets typically use significantly more water per flush, ranging from 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush (gpf), compared to modern low-flow toilets that use as little as 1.28 gpf or even less.

Check the manufacturer’s label or search for the model number to determine the flush volume of your current toilet. If it’s an older model with a high gpf, replacing it with a newer water-saving option can lead to substantial water savings.

Select a Low-Flow Toilet

When it comes to choosing a low-flow toilet, consider opting for a Water Sense labeled product. Water Sense is a voluntary certification program sponsored by the EPA, which ensures that water-efficient fixtures meet specific performance criteria while providing exceptional performance.

Look for toilets that are labeled as Water Sense certified, as these fixtures are designed to use no more than 1.28 gpf, providing a water-saving solution without compromising on flushing power.

Consider Dual-Flush Toilets

If you want even more control over your water usage, consider installing a dual-flush toilet. Dual-flush toilets offer two options for flushing: a lower volume flush for liquid waste and a higher volume flush for solid waste. This system allows you to choose the appropriate flush based on the type of waste, resulting in significant water savings.

a professional plumber making repairs for a customer.

While it is possible to install a new toilet on your own, hiring a professional plumber can ensure that the installation process is done correctly and efficiently.

Hire a Professional Plumber

While it is possible to install a new toilet on your own, hiring a professional plumber can ensure that the installation process is done correctly and efficiently. An experienced plumber will have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle the installation, including proper sealing, alignment, and connection to the plumbing system.

Moreover, a professional plumber can also provide expert advice on choosing the right toilet model for your specific needs and preferences, ensuring maximum water savings and performance.

Additional Water-Saving Tips

In addition to installing a water-efficient toilet, you can further reduce your water usage by implementing the following tips:

  • Check for leaks: Regularly inspect your toilet for leaks by adding a few drops of food coloring to the tank. If the color seeps into the bowl without flushing, there may be a leak that needs to be fixed.
  • Install a dual-flush conversion kit: If you’re not ready to replace your existing toilet, consider installing a dual-flush conversion kit. These kits can be installed on most standard toilets and allow you to switch to a dual-flush system.
  • Encourage household water conservation: Educate your family members about the importance of water conservation and encourage behaviors such as turning off the faucet when brushing teeth or taking shorter showers.
  • Reuse graywater: Consider using graywater (non-potable water collected from various household sources) for activities like watering plants, cleaning, or flushing toilets. Ensure you follow local regulations and guidelines when reusing graywater.


By upgrading to a water-saving toilet, you can significantly reduce your household’s water usage and make a positive impact on the environment. Whether you opt for a low-flow toilet or a dual-flush option, selecting a water-efficient model is a smart investment that will not only conserve water but also save you money on your water bills. Remember to call a plumber for a hassle free toilet installation process and incorporate other water-saving tips into your daily routine to maximize your conservation efforts.