Although it doesn’t look like that at first glance, commercial buildings rely heavily on the function of their drainage systems to maintain the continuity of their business operations. Malfunctioning drain lines can bring a commercial building’s activities to a halt, warns SGI Phoenix team.
Drain problems in commercial buildings are somewhat different from drain issues in homes because of the damage they can cause. That is mainly due to the size of commercial drain systems and the large number of people who use them.
Drainage problems in private homes affect only the occupants of the property. However, it is very different in a commercial property. Along with disrupting the operations of the businesses within the building, drainage problems in commercial buildings also upset customers and visitors.
Even after the plumbing issues are solved, their impact can continue to haunt the business. It comes in the form of damage to the business’s reputation. Customers and visitors can be unforgiving when forced to deal with drainage problems in a business premises.
That is why it is vital to ensure your business is never surprised by avoidable drainage issues in your commercial building. What are the common drainage problems in commercial buildings, and is there a way to avoid these problems?
Common problems in commercial drains
Clogged drains
This is by far the biggest problem in commercial drains. Commercial drain lines are more likely to experience clogs and blockages than residential drainage systems. The reasons are twofold.
Firstly, the large number of people using a commercial drain means it is under more pressure. Secondly, people will use (misuse) drain fixtures in a commercial building in ways they will not do to their home’s plumbing.
More harmful items are dumped into a commercial drain than a residential drain. Customers, staff, and visitors may flush solid objects and non-biodegradable materials into the drains.
Cracked or broken drain pipes
This problem results from aging and abuse of the drain system. Drain pipes with a lot of debris inside them are more vulnerable to leaks and other damage. Frequent use of chemical drain cleaners can also damage the pipes.
Sewage backup
Sewage backups usually occur as the final phase of a drainage problem that has been neglected for a long time. Typically, the cause of the problem is a chronic blockage inside the drainpipes.
As more wastewater and debris accumulate at the site of the blockage, the water inside the pipe will start to flow backward until it exits into the building via a toilet or floor drain (spilling sewage on the floor).
This is one of the grossest drainage problems to have in your commercial building. The sight or smell of sewage inside a commercial building will annoy staff and drive away customers. It can put your business at risk of being shut down by the authorities.
Scheduled drain cleaning will boost business productivity while promoting optimal drainage system performance.
How to avoid drain emergencies in your commercial buildings
The drain problems highlighted in this post are all avoidable. With proper insight into the causes of the issues and a maintenance program designed to address those causes, it is possible to keep these drain problems from happening in your business premises. Here is how to do it:
Sewer and Drain Inspection
It is vital to know the condition of the pipes to keep your drains flowing. That is possible when you do have a sewer camera inspection performed. It employs a specialized camera inserted into the drain line to capture a high-resolution video of the inside of the pipes.
Doing a sewer camera inspection once a year helps keep your drains in good condition. That is because a sewer camera inspection helps you identify problems early so you can deal with them quickly. This not only saves you money, it ensures business continuity and protects the reputation of your enterprise.
Scheduled drain cleaning
Professional drain cleaning, using either sewer rodding or a professional hydro jetting service, will help you get rid of any debris inside the drain pipes. There are two ways to approach drain cleaning: you can clean your drains as a corrective measure, or you can do it as a preventive measure.
Corrective drain cleaning is when you clean the drain lines because the system is already suffering from clogs, blockages, or sewage backups. This strategy only kicks in after the problems become apparent and the damage to your plumbing, building, and business is already done or is in progress.
Preventive drain cleaning, on the other hand, is done periodically, even if the drain lines appear to be in perfect condition. It helps to remove any debris inside the pipes that would have eventually caused a drain emergency in your commercial building.
Preventive drain cleaning is the recommended strategy for commercial buildings because it gives you full control of the performance of your drainage system. Scheduled drain cleaning will boost business productivity while promoting optimal drainage system performance.
Lastly, how do you implement these strategies? The guidance of a reliable commercial drain cleaning service is necessary. A competent commercial drain cleaning service will work with you to ensure the safety of your drain pipes while cleaning them.