Tag Archives: benefits of a french drain

Solving Drainage Problems with French Drains: A Comprehensive Guide for Property Owners

solving drainage problems with a french drain installation in naperville.

Dealing with drainage problems can be an uphill task, especially for property owners who are inexperienced in solving such problems. One of the most effective solutions for dealing with drainage problems is installing a French Drain. French drains are popular because they are reliable, efficient, and easy to install. This guide outlines everything you need to know about French drains, how they work, and how they can solve your drainage problems.

What is a French Drain?

A French drain is a trench filled with gravel or rock that is designed to redirect water away from a property. It is usually dug at a shallow depth and sloped away from the property to allow water to flow naturally. The trench is lined with landscape fabric, which prevents soil and debris from clogging the drain. The gravel or rock provides a permeable channel through which water can flow.

How do French Drains work?

French drains work on the principle of gravity. When water accumulates on the surface, it flows naturally to the lowest point, which is usually the French Drain. The water flows through the gravel or rock into the drain, where it is redirected away from the property. French drains can also be connected to downspouts, gutters, or other drainage systems to enhance their efficiency.

When should you install a French Drain?

You should install a French Drain when you notice any of the following signs of poor drainage:

  • Stagnant water on the surface.
  • Muddy soil.
  • Waterlogged plants.
  • Foul odor near water sources.
  • Water damage in the basement or crawl space.

Steps to installing a French Drain

Installing a French drain requires some skill and knowledge. However, with the right tools and guidance, you can do it yourself. Here are the steps to follow: Determine the location of the French drain: Identify the lowest point on your property and mark it. This is where you will install the French drain.

  • Dig the trench: Dig a trench from the lowest point to a suitable outlet for the water. The trench should be at least 12 inches deep and 12 inches wide. Ensure that it has a slight slope away from the property.
  • Lay the landscape fabric: Line the trench with landscape fabric to prevent clogging by soil and debris.
  • Fill the trench with gravel or rock: Fill the trench with gravel or rock up to 2 inches below the surface. Compact the material to ensure it is stable and level.
  • Cover with soil: Cover the drain with soil and sod to conceal it completely.
french drain installation.

Installing a French drain requires some skill and knowledge. However, with the right tools and guidance, you can do it yourself.

Types of French Drains

There are four main types of French Drains:

  • Standard French Drain: This drain is the simplest design and consists of a gravel-filled trench covered with landscape fabric. It is commonly used for surface water drainage.
  • Perforated Pipe French Drain: This type of French drain includes a perforated PVC pipe surrounded by gravel or rock. It is used for subsurface drainage and is effective for intercepting and diverting water before it reaches the surface.
  • Gravel-free French Drain: This type of French drain consists of a single-walled corrugated pipe surrounded by polystyrene aggregate or stone. It is an alternative to traditional French drains that require gravel or rock. It is lightweight and easy to transport, making it suitable for low-lying areas and large commercial properties.
  • Curtain French Drain: This type of French drain is used to intercept and divert water from hillsides and slopes. It consists of a series of trenches filled with gravel and connected to a perforated pipe. It helps to stabilize the slopes and prevent erosion.

Maintenance of French Drains

Maintaining your French drain is essential to ensure its effectiveness over time. Here are some maintenance tips:

  • Remove debris from the surface drain regularly to prevent clogging.
  • Inspect the underground pipes for blockages or damage periodically.
  • Trim roots and remove any vegetation that may grow into the drain.
  • Check the slope of the trench regularly to ensure proper drainage.


If you are experiencing drainage problems on your property, a French drain is an excellent solution. It is cost-effective, efficient, and easy to install. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can install a French Drain yourself and enjoy a dry and healthy property. Remember to choose the right type of French drain for your specific needs, and maintain it to ensure its optimal performance.

Stop Yard Flooding in Its Tracks with a French Drain

a woman standing in flood water.

Stop Yard Flooding in Its Tracks with a French Drain 

Damaged landscaping, increased risk of lawn disease, mosquitoes in the yard or water draining from your yard into your neighbor’s property; are just a few of the problems you get from having standing water in your yard. This flooding doesn’t have to be massive to cause major issues. Just one inch of water in the yard can cause you more than $25,000 worth of damage.

What causes yard flooding?

To prevent flooding caused by rainfall, Sage Property Management explains most homes are built in a way that allows runoff to be directed toward the front of your house, so it can be channeled safely to the city’s stormwater management system. For most homes, this design works perfectly. But, if the slope in your yard is not sufficient to let rainwater runoff, there will be flooding around the house.

If your home regularly experiences incidences of yard flooding, what can you do about it?

French drains: the best way to protect your yard from flooding

There are many ways to prevent or minimize floods in your yard. But the most effective solution is to install a French drain on your property.

French drains are preferred to any other method because:

  • French drains are the most versatile solution for the long-term management of yard flooding.
  • The practical, highly affordable and reliable, whether used for flood response or yard drainage.
  • French drains can last 30-40 years, and they won’t alter the aesthetics of your property.

What is a French drain? How do they work, and how can you install one in your yard?

Installing a French drain

In simple terms, a French drain uses gravel and perforated/corrugated pipes to direct water from higher to lower ground. It is a trench dug in the area of your yard with the most flooding issues. This trench contains a perforated pipe, wrapped in water-permeable fabric and encased with a layer of stone or gravel before being covered with soil.

After heavy rainfall, excess water that collects in the yard will find its way into the French drain before being moved to a location where it won’t cause problems. This water percolates downward through the soil under the pull of gravity until it is drawn into the French drain, flowing through spaces in the layer of gravel and the pores of the water-permeable fabric.

To install a French drain in your yard, you need the following:

  • Landscape fabric: For the best results, use non-woven geotextile fabric that weighs 4 ounces per square yard (minimum). Make sure the fabric is designed for drainage and not for separation. 
  • Stones or gravel: Avoid rounded stones; angular stone or gravel with particle size ranging from 3/4 – 2 1/2 inches is best. Base gravel #3 will work for most installations. 
  • Drainage Pipe: 4-inch perforated PVC or 4-inch perforated corrugated plastic are the two most-used materials. If you need to go around corners, use a corrugated pipe. 
  • Catch basins: These make it easy to clean the French drain.

To install the French drain, follow these steps:

  • Decide where you want the water to go. Remove about 3 inches of sod from the area where the trench will be. Lay this aside to be reused when you complete the trench. 
  • Dig the trench using a shovel or mini excavator with a 12-inch bucket. The trench should be around 10-18 inches deep (shallow at its beginning and deeper as the slope increases). 
  • The trench should slope at 1 inch for every 8 feet to ensure it directs water downhill. You can verify this by measuring the trench with a hand level or a rotary level. 
  • Flatten the bottom of your trench with a hand tamper. Lay the fabric over your trench with the edges falling over the sides of the trench. 

french drainage tile before being installed.

  • Place the pipe inside the trench, on top of the fabric. If there are more than 100 feet of trench, join the pipe sections with pipe connectors and waterproof tape. 
  • Install your catch basin to serve as easy-to-reach cleanouts for the French drain at every 100 feet interval or shorter.

a puddle from flooding.

  • Backfill the trench with gravel, and ensure there is gravel around the sides of the pipe and 4-6 inches of gravel on top. The more gravel you have in the trench, the better. 
  • Wrap everything by pulling the edges of your fabric so they overlap on top of the gravel. You may use duct tape to secure those edges. 
  • Lastly, backfill the trench with soil and replace the sod you removed at the beginning.

Finally, is this a project you can do on your own? The answer is YES and NO. Yes, because you should not have any difficulties following the instructions above. No, because you can damage utility lines when digging the trench or expose your home to foundation issues. That is why it’s always a good idea to talk to an expert before you install a French drain on your property.