Category Archives: water heater installation

Tips for Finding the Ideal Water Heater for Your Home

the ideal home water heater being installed.

Choosing the right water heater for your home is the most essential step for ensuring the efficiency and longevity of this indispensable household appliance. Most of the issues homeowners have with their water heaters come from mistakes when buying the unit, notes Schambs Property Management team .

Unlike other water heater problems – most of which can be fixed – there is nothing you can do to correct the mistake of buying the wrong water heater for your home. The only two ways to deal with the problem are to keep living with the consequences of your error or buy another water heater.

That is why it is vital to research before buying and installing a new water heater for your home. Your home has unique hot water needs, and not every water heater can meet those needs. That is why, before you pull out your card to pay for a water heater, you must ensure it is the right one for your home.

5 tips to help you find the ideal water heater for your home

Water heater capacity or size

This is the most vital factor when selecting a water heater. A low-capacity water heater will see you running out of hot water, while one with excess capacity will increase energy costs. How do you determine the right size of water heater for your home? The US Department of Energy recommends a 50-60-gallon storage tank for a property of 2-3 people. For larger homes of 3-4 persons, a medium 80-gallon storage tank should be enough. A large tank is the best option if you have more than 4 people in your home. For tankless water heaters, look at the gallons-per-minute ratings and how many gallons of hot water the water heater can deliver within a minute.

The type of water heater

The second most important factor is the type of water heater. There are five types of water heaters, but only two are relevant for this post: conventional storage water heaters and tankless (or on-demand water) heaters. Tankless water heaters don’t have storage tanks but deliver hot water at a steady rate whenever needed. Storage water heaters have a large tank where they store heated water. From an energy-efficiency standpoint, tankless water heaters are better. However, they cost more. Storage water heaters are cheaper but have a shorter lifespan of 10-15 years compared to 20 years for tankless water heaters.

Type, availability and cost of fuel

The type of fuel your water heater runs on affects its size, operating cost and efficiency. Electricity is the most common way water heaters are powered. Electricity is widely available and works with every kind of water heater. Propane and natural gas are other popular options; they are available in most parts of the USA and are less expensive than electricity. Propane and natural gas are also very efficient. Depending on where you live, solar energy is an option worth exploring. Homeowners in the Southwest USA should seriously consider switching to a solar-powered water heater.

Water heater cost

This is not just the cost of purchasing the water heater but the cost of owning it. Storage water heaters have the lowest upfront costs, but maintenance cost rises as the reservoir ages. It costs more to buy a tankless water heater, but the operating cost is lower. Solar water heaters have the highest upfront cost, but this cost is easily recouped since you will not be spending money on electricity or gas. The type of fuel your water heater uses also plays a part in its operating costs. Gas water heaters are more affordable than electric water heaters. Solar water heaters have the overall lowest operating cost.

Water heater maintenance

Storage water heaters suffer from leaks/corrosion and need occasional descaling. If the water in your area is hard, the rate of scaling will be higher, and you will have to drain and flush the tank more often. Scaling affects the efficiency and longevity of your water heater. In addition to flushing the tank yearly, you need to replace the anode rod and relief valves in a storage water heater. But despite how much work it is to maintain a storage water heater, it is easier than maintaining a tankless water heater. Unlike storage water heaters, caring for a tankless water heater is complex.

To conclude, unless you are an expert, it is hard to make the right decision on the best water heater for your home all by yourself. That is why you should consider speaking with a professional plumber as you make these decisions. Remember that if you get it wrong, you will have to live with the consequences of your choices for a very long time.

Choosing the Right Capacity for Your New Water Heater Installation

on demand water heater installation service in chicago.

Are you about to replace the old water heater in your home? If yes, do you plan to install a new unit similar to the old one, or do you plan to upgrade the water heater? There is no better time to review your home’s hot water needs than when you are about to buy a new water heater.

The two things you want to consider when buying a new water heater are how much hot water your home uses and the water heater’s energy efficiency. As Pentwell Properties say you want to buy the right size water heater that meets the family’s hot water needs and also helps you save energy.

How do you do that? The steps for sizing a new water heater for your home depend on the type of water heater you want to install: a tankless water heater or a storage-type water heart. Below are the explanations on how to size these two water heaters.

Sizing a new water heater

How to size a storage water heater

Use the unit’s First Hour Rating (FHR) to size a storage water heater. That is the number of gallons of hot water the water heater can supply per hour when it starts with a full tank. The FHR depends on the tank capacity, the source of heat, and the size of the burner.

You can usually find the FHR for the unit in the top left corner of the EnergyGuide label listed as capacity (first-hour rating). Information about the FHR can also be found in the product literature. Look for a water heater with FHR above your home’s peak hour demand.

The second thing you must know to correctly size a storage water heater is your home’s Peak Hour Demand. That is the number of gallons of hot water the home uses during the peak hour of use. That depends on the number of people in the house. How do you calculate peak hour demand?

On average, each member of your household uses around 12 gallons of water in the shower. Multiply the number of people in the home by 12 (the number of gallons used per person). That is the number of gallons of hot water the water heater must supply during peak hours.

If there are five people in your home, the water heater must be able to supply 60 gallons of hot water during peak hours. That means the water heater must have a first-hour rating above 60 gallons. The peak hour demand must always be lower than the water heater’s FHR.

The water heater’s FHR also helps you determine its yearly cost of operation and estimated yearly energy consumption. This information can be obtained from the EnergyGuide Label, and it is different for gas and oil-powered water heaters versus electricity-powered units.

a new water heater installation that is tankless.

Tankless water heaters do not store water but supply hot water on demand. Sizing these types of water heaters is a bit more complicated.

How to size a tankless water heater

Tankless water heaters do not store water but supply hot water on demand. Sizing these types of water heaters is a bit more complicated. Tankless water heaters are rated according to the maximum temperature rise possible at a given flow rate.

To size a tankless water heater, you must know the flow rate for the different water devices in the home. Depending on whether you are installing a whole-house water heater or the unit is for a specific fixture, you may now determine the required temperature rise at that flow rate.

As a first step, list all the water devices in the home. Add up the flow rates for all the water-utilizing appliances and plumbing fixtures in the house, or add up the flow rates for all water devices you expect to use simultaneously, such as a faucet and showerhead.

If you do not know the flow rate for a device, you can calculate it by holding a pan or bucket under that device. Run the water for a minute and calculate how much water has flowed into the pan or bucket. Typically, this will be between 0.75 gallons and 2.5 gallons per minute.

To calculate the desired temperature rise for the unit, deduct the incoming water temperature from the required output temperature for the water heater. You may assume an incoming water temperature of 50ºF (10ºC) can hold a thermometer under a cold-water faucet to get the temperature reading.

With these details – the flow rate for your home and the required temperature rise for your new water heater – you now have an objective measure for deciding if a tankless water heater is suitable for your home.

In Conclusion

Remember that buying a new water heater is not just about choosing the proper unit. There are other essential considerations, as well as the process of installing the water heater. To get the most out of your new water heater, you may want to talk to a professional before you make any decisions.

The Importance of Professional Water Heater Installation

a professional water heater installation.

Water heaters are an essential part of our daily lives, providing warm water for various purposes such as bathing, cleaning, and cooking. While we may often take them for granted, it is crucial to recognize the importance of professional water heater installation. Hiring a skilled and experienced technician to install your water heater can result in numerous benefits, including enhanced safety, improved efficiency, and longer lifespan for your unit.

The Role of a Water Heater

Before delving into the significance of professional installation, let’s briefly understand the role of a water heater. A water heater is responsible for heating and storing water in a tank, ensuring a steady supply of warm water whenever needed. Different types of water heaters, including storage tank, tankless, and heat pump water heaters, serve varying purposes and provide specific advantages.

The Importance of Professional Installation

While some individuals may be tempted to install a water heater on their own, it is highly recommended to hire a professional for this task. Here are several reasons why professional water heater installation is of utmost importance:

1. Safety

One of the primary concerns during water heater installation is safety. Improper installation can lead to hazardous situations such as gas leaks, electrical malfunctions, and water damage. Professionals are well-trained and equipped to handle these potential risks, ensuring that the installation process is conducted safely and accurately. They possess the necessary knowledge to adhere to building codes and regulations, mitigating any potential hazards.

2. Code Compliance

Building codes and regulations are in place to guarantee the safety and well-being of occupants in a building. Professional installation ensures that your water heater meets these codes, preventing any violations that could lead to serious consequences. Licensed technicians are up to date with the latest standards and guidelines, ensuring compliance while installing your water heater.

3. Optimal Performance

A professionally installed water heater performs optimally, providing you with reliable hot water when you need it most. Experienced technicians have the expertise to determine the ideal size and type of water heater for your specific needs. They consider factors such as household size, hot water demand, and energy efficiency requirements to recommend and install the most suitable unit.

4. Extended Lifespan

Water heaters are a significant investment, and proper installation can help extend their lifespan. By entrusting the water heater installation to a professional, you minimize the risk of premature wear and tear due to incorrect installation techniques. Professionals understand the intricate details of water heater installation, ensuring that the unit operates efficiently and lasts longer, ultimately saving you money on repairs or replacements down the line.

5. Warranty Protection

Most water heaters come with warranties that cover certain components or the entire unit. However, these warranties often require professional installation to validate the terms and conditions. If you attempt a DIY installation and encounter issues, the warranty may be voided, leaving you responsible for any repairs or replacements. By choosing professional installation, you ensure that your warranty remains intact, providing you with peace of mind in case of any malfunctions.

6. Energy Efficiency

Professional installation plays a crucial role in improving the energy efficiency of your water heater. Technicians are trained to properly insulate pipes, install efficient thermostats, and minimize heat loss during operation. These measures enhance the overall energy efficiency of your water heater, reducing energy consumption and lowering your utility bills.

a water heater installation professional installing a new water heater.

Positive reviews from satisfied customers are a good indication of their reliability and professionalism.

Choosing the Right Professional

When it comes to water heater installation, selecting the right professional for the job is essential. Here are a few factors to consider before hiring a technician:

1. Experience and Expertise

Look for a technician who has extensive experience in installing various types of water heaters. An experienced professional will have the necessary expertise to handle any challenges that may arise during the installation process.

2. Certifications and Licenses

Ensure that the technician you hire holds the required certifications and licenses. This guarantees that they have undergone proper training and adhere to industry standards.

3. Reputation and Reviews

Check online reviews, ratings, and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the reputation of the technician or company. Positive reviews from satisfied customers are a good indication of their reliability and professionalism.

4. Cost and Warranty

Obtain quotes from multiple technicians or companies to compare prices and services offered. Additionally, inquire about the warranty provided for their installation work and any water heater units they supply.


Professional water heater installation is of utmost importance for the safety, efficiency, and lifespan of your unit. By hiring experienced plumbers, you can rest assured knowing that your water heater will be installed according to code, optimized for performance, and protected by warranties. When it comes to your water heater, don’t compromise on quality installation to avoid potential hazards and ensure long-term satisfaction with your investment.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Installing a Water Heater: Expert Insights and Recommendations

a plumber performing a water heater replacement in chicago.

Installing a water heater can be a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. Whether you are replacing an old unit or installing a brand new water heater, there are several common mistakes that homeowners often make during the installation process. Below we will discuss these mistakes and provide expert insights and recommendations to help you avoid them.

Importance of Proper Water Heater Installation

Before diving into the common mistakes, it is crucial to understand why proper water heater installation is important. A properly installed water heater ensures efficient and reliable operation, reduces the risk of malfunctions and accidents, and can even prolong the lifespan of the unit. By following the correct installation guidelines, you can optimize your water heater’s performance and minimize the need for repairs in the future.

Expert Insights and Recommendations

1. Neglecting to Properly Size the Water Heater

One of the most common mistakes during water heater installation is selecting the wrong size for your needs. Many homeowners make the mistake of choosing a water heater that is either too small or too large for their household. This can lead to inefficient operation and even higher energy bills.

To avoid this mistake, it is essential to consider the size and occupancy of your household when selecting a water heater. Speak with a professional or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines to determine the appropriate size for your specific needs. Taking into account factors such as the number of occupants, peak hot water demand, and usage patterns can ensure that you choose a water heater that provides sufficient hot water without wasting energy or money.

2. Incorrect Placement and Venting

Another common mistake during water heater installation is improper placement and venting. Water heaters require adequate ventilation to ensure proper combustion and safe operation. Vent pipes should be correctly sized, properly sealed, and installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Additionally, water heaters should be placed in an accessible area that allows for easy maintenance and repairs. Avoid installing the unit in a confined space or a location that is difficult to access. Proper clearance around the water heater is also crucial to prevent potential fire hazards and to ensure proper air circulation.

3. Failure to Install a Pressure Relief Valve

A pressure relief valve is a vital component of a water heater as it helps regulate the pressure inside the tank and prevents excessive buildup. Unfortunately, some homeowners neglect to install or properly maintain this essential safety feature.

During water heater installation, it is imperative to install a pressure relief valve and ensure it is in good working condition. Regular inspection and testing of the valve should be part of your maintenance routine to guarantee its proper functionality. This simple step can prevent the risk of a dangerous pressure buildup and potential damage to the water heater.

4. Improper Connection of Plumbing and Electrical Components

When installing a water heater, it is necessary to properly connect the plumbing and electrical components. This includes correctly attaching the inlet and outlet pipes, as well as the electrical connections.

Improper plumbing connections can result in leaks and water damage, while incorrect electrical connections can lead to electrical hazards or malfunctions. It is crucial to carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions and ensure that all connections are secure and properly sealed. If you are unsure about the correct installation process, it is advisable to seek assistance from a licensed plumber or electrician.

5. Failure to Flush the Tank

A common mistake that homeowners make during water heater installation is neglecting to flush the tank before initiating regular use. New water heaters often contain sediment and debris that can accumulate inside the tank during manufacturing and transportation.

Flushing the tank helps remove these impurities and ensures the longevity and efficiency of the water heater. Failure to flush the tank can lead to reduced performance, decreased energy efficiency, and potential damage to the heating elements. Therefore, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and flush the tank properly before using the water heater.

In Summary

Proper installation of a water heater is crucial for ensuring its optimal performance, efficiency, and longevity. By avoiding common installation mistakes such as improper sizing, incorrect placement and venting, failure to install a pressure relief valve, improper connection of plumbing and electrical components, and neglecting to flush the tank, homeowners can enjoy a reliable and efficient hot water supply while minimizing the risk of malfunctions and accidents.

If you are unsure about any aspect of water heater installation, it is always recommended to speak with a professional plumber or electrician. Their expertise and experience can help ensure a smooth and successful installation process, providing you with peace of mind and the benefits of a properly functioning water heater for years to come.

Which Water Heater is Best for Chicago Residents? A Comprehensive Comparison of Gas and Electric Variants

a woman searching the internet on the best water heaters.

Are you a resident of Chicago in search of the perfect water heater for your home? With the wide array of options available, it can be challenging to determine which type of water heater is best suited for your needs. Two popular choices among homeowners are gas and electric water heaters. In this comprehensive comparison, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of each variant, considering factors such as cost, efficiency, and environmental impact. By the end of this article, you will have a clearer understanding of which water heater is the best fit for Chicago residents.

Cost Comparison

When it comes to purchasing a water heater, cost is often one of the most significant factors to consider. Both gas and electric water heaters differ in terms of their upfront costs, operating expenses, and long-term savings.

Gas Water Heaters

Gas water heaters generally have a higher upfront cost compared to their electric counterparts. This is primarily due to the cost of the unit itself and the installation requirements, which may include additional venting and connections.

However, gas water heaters tend to be more cost-effective in the long run, as natural gas is typically less expensive than electricity. Additionally, gas heaters have shorter recovery times, meaning they can heat larger quantities of water more quickly. This can be advantageous for homeowners who require large amounts of hot water, such as those with multiple bathrooms or larger families.

It is important to note that the cost of natural gas can fluctuate over time, so it is wise to consider the long-term trends and availability in your area before making a decision.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters generally have a lower upfront cost compared to gas water heaters. They are generally less expensive to purchase and install since they do not require additional venting or gas lines.

However, electric water heaters tend to be more expensive to operate, as electricity rates are typically higher than the cost of natural gas. The recovery time for electric water heaters is also longer, meaning they may take longer to heat larger quantities of water.

Despite the higher operational costs, electric water heaters are often favored by homeowners who prioritize energy efficiency or have limited access to natural gas lines.

a newly installed water heater.

Considering the environmental impact of your water heater is crucial in an era focused on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints.

Energy Efficiency

With the increasing focus on sustainability and reducing energy consumption, energy efficiency has become an important aspect to consider when choosing a water heater. Both gas and electric water heaters have their own energy efficiency profiles.

Gas Water Heaters

Gas water heaters are generally considered to be more energy-efficient than their electric counterparts. This is because gas heaters have a higher energy factor (EF) rating, which reflects the amount of hot water produced per unit of fuel consumed.

Gas water heaters have minimal standby heat loss, meaning they retain heat more effectively and are less prone to losing energy between heating cycles. This efficiency advantage can result in lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters have made significant strides in recent years, with improved energy efficiency compared to older models. However, they still tend to be less energy-efficient compared to gas water heaters.

Electric water heaters have a higher standby heat loss compared to gas heaters. This is because electric units rely on a constant power supply to maintain water temperature, which can result in energy losses when the heating element is not actively engaged.

Despite the lower energy efficiency, electric water heaters have their own advantages, such as the absence of greenhouse gas emissions, making them a greener option in terms of air quality.

Environmental Impact

Considering the environmental impact of your water heater is crucial in an era focused on sustainability and reducing carbon footprints. Let’s explore how gas and electric water heaters perform in this aspect.

Gas Water Heaters

Gas water heaters indirectly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions through the combustion of natural gas. The burning of natural gas releases carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx), which are known contributors to climate change and air pollution.

However, advancements in gas water heater technology have led to the development of more efficient burners and improved ventilation systems, reducing emissions compared to older models. Furthermore, natural gas is a cleaner-burning fuel compared to other fossil fuels, such as coal or oil.

Electric Water Heaters

Electric water heaters have an advantage when it comes to environmental impact since they do not produce direct emissions during operation. While this makes electric water heaters a greener option in terms of air quality, it is important to consider the environmental impact of electricity generation.

In many regions, electricity production relies on fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, which still contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. However, the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of electric water heaters.

a plumber getting ready to flush out a water heater tank.

Analyze your household’s water heating needs, including the number of bathrooms, family size, and daily hot water usage.

Additional Factors to Consider

While cost, energy efficiency, and environmental impact are key considerations, there are a few additional factors you should keep in mind when selecting a water heater:

Availability of Energy Sources

Before deciding on a water heater, it is important to consider the availability of energy sources in your area. If natural gas lines are limited or unreliable, it may be more practical to opt for an electric water heater.

Upfront Cost and Budget

Consider your budget and the upfront costs associated with purchasing and installing a water heater. This will help you determine the most suitable option without exceeding your financial limitations.

Water Heating Needs

Analyze your household’s water heating needs, including the number of bathrooms, family size, and daily hot water usage. This will help you select a water heater that can adequately meet your requirements without running into issues of insufficient hot water supply.

Maintenance and Longevity

Research the maintenance requirements and expected longevity of the water heater models you are considering. Understanding how often the unit needs maintenance and potential repair costs will assist you in making an informed decision.


When choosing the ideal water heater for your Chicago home, various factors must be taken into account. Gas water heaters often come with higher upfront costs but prove more cost-effective in the long term, particularly for homeowners in need of large quantities of hot water. Electric water heaters, while cheaper to install, tend to have higher operational costs. Energy efficiency favors gas water heaters, whereas electric models contribute less to air pollution. Ultimately, determining the best water heater for your needs involves weighing the pros and cons of both gas and electric variants, considering your energy sources, budget, and specific requirements. By making an informed decision, you can enjoy the comfort of reliable hot water while prioritizing cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability.

Exploring the Advantages of Hiring a Skilled Plumber for Water Heater Installation

a plumber performing a water heater repair.

When it comes to installing a water heater in your home, it’s essential to hire a skilled plumber. While some individuals may attempt a DIY installation to save money, the expertise and experience of a professional plumber can provide numerous advantages. From ensuring proper installation to preventing potential hazards, a skilled plumber offers invaluable services that ultimately contribute to the longevity and efficiency of your water heater. In this article, we will delve into the various advantages of hiring a skilled plumber for water heater installation, allowing you to make an informed decision and prioritize the safety and well-being of your home and family.

Expertise and Knowledge

One of the primary advantages of hiring a skilled plumber is their expertise and in-depth knowledge of water heater installation. Professional plumbers undergo extensive training and possess the necessary certifications and qualifications to handle complex installations. They stay updated with the latest industry advancements, ensuring that your water heater is installed in compliance with safety codes and regulations. Their specialized knowledge also allows them to provide valuable advice and recommendations on selecting the right type of water heater for your specific needs.

Efficient Installation Process

When it comes to water heater installation, efficiency is key. A professional plumber has experience in handling various types of water heaters and knows the most efficient installation techniques. They are equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to ensure a smooth installation process, saving you time and effort. Additionally, a skilled plumber can complete the installation promptly, minimizing any disruption to your daily routine.

Ensuring Proper Placement and Connection

Proper placement and connection of your water heater are essential for optimal performance and safety. DIY installations often overlook these crucial aspects, resulting in potential hazards or inefficiencies. However, a skilled plumber has the expertise to determine the ideal location for your water heater, taking into consideration factors such as ventilation and accessibility. They also ensure that all connections are properly sealed and secure, preventing any leaks or water damage.

a professional plumber.

Hiring a skilled plumber for water heater installation guarantees the highest level of safety.

Guaranteed Safety

When it comes to working with water and gas lines, safety should always be a top priority. Hiring a skilled plumber for water heater installation guarantees the highest level of safety. Plumbers are trained to handle potentially dangerous situations and are familiar with the necessary safety protocols. They have the knowledge to identify and address any potential hazards, ensuring that your water heater operates safely and efficiently.

Preventing Costly Repairs and Damages

A properly installed water heater is less likely to experience issues and breakdowns, which can save you significant time and money in the long run. Hiring a skilled plumber helps prevent costly repairs and damages that can arise from improper installation. Plumbers are well-versed in troubleshooting potential problems and can identify any underlying issues before they escalate. They also provide expert maintenance advice, allowing you to maximize the lifespan and efficiency of your water heater.

Professional Warranty

Many water heater manufacturers require professional installation to maintain the warranty validity. By hiring a skilled plumber, you ensure that your water heater installation meets the manufacturer’s requirements. This means that if any issues arise during the warranty period, you can rely on the manufacturer’s support for repairs or replacements. Failing to hire a professional could result in voiding the warranty, leaving you solely responsible for any future repairs.

Customer Support and Peace of Mind

Choosing a skilled plumber for water heater installation also provides you with reliable customer support and peace of mind. Reputable plumbing companies offer warranties on their installation services, providing you with the assurance that they stand behind their work. Should any problems arise post-installation, you can rely on their expertise and support to address the issue promptly and efficiently.


While the idea of saving money by attempting a DIY water heater installation may seem appealing, the advantages of hiring a skilled plumber far outweigh the risks. Their expertise, efficient installation process, proper placement, and connection ensure the optimal performance and safety of your water heater. In addition, their ability to prevent costly repairs and damages, uphold warranty requirements, and provide customer support leaves you with peace of mind. A skilled plumber not only installs your water heater professionally but also helps you make the most of your investment. So, when it’s time for a water heater replacement, prioritize the advantages of hiring a skilled plumber and safeguard the comfort and well-being of your home and family.

How Much Does a Water Heater Tank Installation Cost in Chicago? (2024)

water heater installation in chicago.

Installing a water heater tank is a common requirement for many households. The cost of installation varies from one location to another, and Chicago is not an exception. The location, size of the tank, and labor cost are some of the factors that can influence the installation cost. In this article, we will look at some of the factors that affect the cost of installing a water heater in Chicago and how much you can expect to pay.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Installing a Water Heater Tank

The Type and Size of the Water Heater Tank

The type and size of a water heater tank can significantly impact the installation cost. There are different types of water heater tanks that you can choose from, such as gas, electric, and tankless. Gas water heaters are cheaper to run but more expensive to install. On the other hand, electric water heaters are more expensive to run but cheaper to install. Tankless water heaters are more energy-efficient, but they are the most expensive type to install.

The size of the water heater tank also affects the installation cost. Larger tanks are more expensive to install compared to smaller tanks. The size of the water heater tank you choose will depend on your household’s size and hot water demand.

The Location of the Installation

The location of the installation also affects the cost of installing a water heater tank. If the installation is in an accessible area, it will be easier and less expensive to install. However, if the installation is in a hard-to-reach or confined space, it may require special tools and more labor, which will increase the installation cost.

The Labor Cost

The labor cost is another factor that affects the installation cost of a water heater tank. The cost of labor varies from one professional plumber to another. Some local plumbers offer a flat rate, while others charge an hourly rate. The hourly rate is typically higher than the flat rate. The labor cost will depend on the complexity of the installation and the amount of time the plumber spends on the installation.

The Cost of Installing a Water Heater Tank in Chicago

The cost of installing a water heater tank in Chicago will depend on the factors we have discussed above. On average, the cost of a water heater installation in Chicago ranges from $800 to $2000. This cost includes the cost of the water heater tank and the installation cost.

The size and type of the water heater tank you choose will significantly impact the installation cost. For instance, a 40-gallon electric water heater tank can cost between $500 to $700, while a gas water heater tank of the same size can cost between $1000 to $1200.

The labor cost will also vary depending on the complexity of the installation. The cost of labor alone for a water heater tank installation in Chicago ranges from $300 to $800.

a professional plumber installing a water heater in chicago.

Tips to Reduce the Cost of Installing a Water Heater Tank in Chicago

There are several ways to reduce the cost of installing a water heater tank in Chicago. Below are some tips:

Choose the Right Size and Type of Water Heater Tank

Choosing the right size and type of water heater tank can significantly impact the installation cost. It is essential to consider your household’s hot water demand and the type of energy source available in your area before choosing a water heater tank. For instance, if you have natural gas available in your area, it may be cheaper to install a gas water heater tank than an electric water heater tank.

Shop Around

Before hiring a professional plumber to install your water heater tank, it is essential to shop around and compare prices. You can get multiple quotes from different plumbers and compare them to find the best price. However, it is also essential to consider the plumber’s experience and qualifications.

Maintain Your Water Heater Tank

Maintaining your water heater tank can help reduce the cost of installation. Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your water heater tank and reduce the likelihood of breakdowns. Some maintenance tasks you can do include flushing the tank annually and checking the temperature and pressure relief valve.

Consider Financing Options

If you cannot afford to pay for the installation upfront, it may be possible to finance the installation cost. Many water heater manufacturers offer financing options that can help spread the cost of installation over a period of time. However, it is essential to read the terms and conditions carefully and ensure that you can afford the payments.


The cost of installing a water heater tank in Chicago can vary significantly depending on several factors, including the size and type of the water heater tank, the location of the installation, and the labor cost. On average, the cost of installation ranges from $800 to $2000. However, you can reduce the cost of installation by choosing the right size and type of the water heater tank, shopping around, maintaining your water heater tank, and considering financing options. It is essential to hire a qualified and experienced professional plumber to install your water heater tank to ensure that it is installed correctly and safely.

Interested in having a new water heater installed in Chicagoland? We offer free estimates and can be reached at 773-599-9181 or you can fill out the form below.

When Do You Need a New Hot Water Heater?

a new water heater installation.

Symptoms Requiring Replacement of Hot Water Heaters

A hot water heater is a major appliance in the average household and, if properly maintained, can last for many years. However, there are certain symptoms that can tell you when it’s time to replace your unit. It’s important to understand the warning signs so that you can act accordingly and prevent a potential disaster.

The most significant symptom is your water heater’s age. The lifespan of the average hot water heater is 8-12 years, depending on the type of system it is. If yours is older than 10 years, there is a good chance it has outlived its usefulness and is in need of replacement.

Another symptom is corrosion around the tank and pipes. If you notice flaking or signs of rust, it likely means your tank is corroding from the inside and needs to be replaced.

Leaking is another major symptom. If water is collecting at the base of your tank, this is a sign that some part of the tank is no longer sealed properly and needs to be replaced.

Likewise, if you have rumbling noises in the tank, it is likely that a sediment build-up or another problem with the heating element is occurring. This can also signal the need for replacement.

If you’ve noticed any of these symptoms, it’s important to act as quickly as possible. It’s not only a matter of convenience, but of safety. A failing tank can lead to flooding, fire, or both.

Safety Precautions Before Installing a New Hot Water Heater

Once you’ve decided it’s time to replace your hot water heater tank, there are some steps you should take beforehand to ensure a smooth installation.

The most important of these is to turn off the power to the tank. There should be a switch on the side of the tank, labeled either “on/off,” or simply “power.” If there isn’t switch, you’ll need to locate your circuit breaker and turn it off.

It’s also important to turn off the water supply to the tank. Doing so will prevent flooding during the installation process.

Finally, it is essential to properly drain the tank before replacing it. As the old adage goes, empty vessels make the most noise, and the same goes for hot water heaters. To do this, turn on the cold water knobs closest to the tank, and then open up the drain valve. Drain the tank until it is empty, then shut off the supply valve, and the water will stop flowing.

These are the necessary steps to take in order to ensure a successful installation of your new hot water heater.

Installing a New Hot Water Heater

After taking the necessary safety precautions, it’s time to begin the installation process.

The first step is to remove the old hot water heater. This is done by disconnecting the supply and drain pipes, as well as the electrical connection. These should be unscrewed using a wrench and safety gloves. Once all connections are removed, the tank can be lifted out and discarded. Be sure to dispose of the old tank and its parts in the appropriate way.

Once the old tank is removed, the new one can be installed. Start by fitting the supply and drain pipes to the tank. Make sure to use the appropriate sealant or quick-release clamp to ensure a tight fit. After this is done, move onto the electrical connections. Connect the wires to the terminal block, making sure to use the right-sized wrench (too big a wrench will damage the wires). Once all connections are done, you can turn on both the power and the water supply.

At this point, all that remains is to turn on the hot water valves and check for leaks. Once you’ve confirmed there are no issues, you can begin using your new hot water heater.

flushing a hot water heater tank out.

Maintaining Your New Hot Water Heater

As with any appliance, proper maintenance is essential for a long life span. The most important maintenance for a hot water heater is to flush out the tank on a regular basis. This should be done once every few months, and can be done quickly with a garden hose. This helps keep the tank free of sediment and other buildup that can cause problems with the heating elements.

Additionally, it is also wise to inspect your water heater periodically for any signs of corrosion or leaking. Doing so can prevent any major problems before they arise.

By following these steps and properly maintaining your unit, you can rest assured that your hot water heater will provide you with many years of reliable service.

In Summary

Knowing when it’s time to replace your hot water heater is an important part of being a responsible homeowner. When signs of corrosion, leaking, or aged age arise, it’s important to act quickly. As long as you take the necessary safety precautions and follow the steps to properly install the new unit, you can rest assured that your home will have hot water for many years to come.

Why You Should Hire A Professional Plumber to Install A Water Heater

a plumber installing a water heater

If your water heater is old or damaged and you are thinking of buying a new one, one of the questions you may be asking yourself is how to install it. You could be wondering about the pros and cons of installing the water heater yourself versus getting a professional plumber to install it.

As an avid DIYer, you know the benefits of handling maintenance issues in your home yourself. Doing things by yourself saves money and builds confidence. Being handy around the house also helps to reduce the impact of problems on your family.

But not all problems in the home should be DIY-ed. As a homeowner, Keyrenter New England says knowing the limits of your abilities is essential. If the risk outweighs the benefits of solving a specific issue that something can go wrong with the DIY, it makes no sense to do it yourself.

There are problems in the home that are best left to professionals. Examples of such issues are gas leaks in the home, electrical problems, and water meter installation. You should never DIY these issues because of the dangers associated with them.

What mistakes do homeowners make when installing a water heater by themselves?

Common mistakes in DIY hot water installation

Buying the wrong water heater size

Failing to size the water heater properly will result in insufficient hot water (if the unit is too small) or wasted energy (if the water heater is too large). A typical 2 ½ bath home needs a 50-gallon water heater. If the household takes many baths, that number can go up to 60 or 80 gallons.

Soldering the fittings on top of the water heater

Directly applying heat to the top of a water heater during installation can cause the plastic components of the water heater (such as the dip tube) to melt. Pipes should be prepped and soldered away from the water heater to prevent damage from direct heat.

Wrong installation of the discharge tube

The discharge tube must be installed within six inches of the floor. This ensures that if the T&P valve opens suddenly due to excessive temperature or pressure inside the tank, the hot water from the water heater can be discharged safely without burning bystanders.

Dry firing

Turning your water heater on prematurely will damage the heating element inside the unit or crack the tank. This often happens when the circuit breaker is turned on before the tank fills with water and the heating element completely submerges.

Why you should hire a professional plumber for water heater installations

Product knowledge

Professional plumbers consider many things before recommending the best water heater for your home. In addition to the size of your home, they think of how to maximize energy efficiency and minimize the maintenance cost of the system. Hiring a professional plumber helps you avoid problems that will cost you in the future.

Guaranteed safety

The wrong water heater installation will expose your family to avoidable dangers. For instance,, ensuring a sufficient wind stream for proper venting is vital when installing gas water heaters. If this is not done, the result is a buildup of carbon monoxide – a deadly but odorless gas – inside the home. 

The wrong gas water heater installation often causes carbon monoxide poisoning. Also, there is the risk of lethal electric shocks when working with water heaters, mainly if leaks, flooding, or spraying occur.

Meeting local code requirements

There are several layers of local code requirements when installing a water heater. These requirements differ according to the type of water heater installed and the location. In addition to permits – most localities require a permit for water heater installations – there are safety standards, plumbing guidelines, and ventilation standards. Professional plumbers understand these requirements and can help you avoid fines and other issues.

Protect your warranty/insurance 

Most new water heaters will come with some form of warranty. This warranty may only apply to the water heater itself or include the accessories that come with the unit. Regardless of the type of warranty, manufacturers will only honor a contract if a professional plumber installs the unit. 

The warranty is voided if the water heater is installed by someone who is not an expert. Furthermore, if the water heater malfunctions and your home is damaged. As a result, your insurer can refuse to honor any claims you make if they find that an expert did not install the appliance.

Long-term cost savings

A water heater installed by a local plumber will work more efficiently and last longer. The incidences of problems affecting the unit’s efficiency are significantly reduced. Having an expert install and maintain the water heater and its associated systems eliminates the possibility of premature appliance replacement. You also lower the cost of maintaining your water heater.

Traditional vs. Tankless Water Heaters – Which is Better?

installation of a water heater in chicago

Which one is better for your home, a tankless water heater or a traditional water heater? If you were to ask this question to ten different persons, you are likely to get ten different answers. But should it really matter which kind of water heater you choose for your home?

The answer is yes. Your choice of water heater influences your energy costs and the overall efficiency of your home, says Drew Doheny Property Management. That’s because water heaters are a big part of what makes your home function. The hot water you use for everyday tasks like washing and bathing comes from the water heater.

You want to be sure that any water heater you spend your hard-earned cash on will be able to meet your family’s needs. Will a tankless water heater meet your home’s requirements, or should you buy a traditional water heater? That depends on your specific situation.

Below we list the pros and cons of tankless and traditional water heaters. Based on the information you can make a decision on which system suits your home better.

water heater repair

Traditional water heaters vs Tankless water heaters

We access the two types of water heaters based on several criteria.

How the water heater works

Traditional water heaters

These continuously heat a tank of water to ensure a constant supply of hot water. The tank can contain between 30-60 gallons of water, with 50 gallons being the most common size. Because they heat water, even when you don’t need it, the cost of running a storage tank is slightly higher. 

Tankless water heaters

These don’t need to store water because water is rapidly heated as it passes through the heat exchanger inside the unit. Tankless water heaters heat water on demand. Unlike, a storage tank, you won’t have to deal with standby energy loss. However, if the demand for hot water is high a tankless system may not be able to keep up.

Purchase price and installation costs

Traditional water heater

Storage water heaters are more affordable than tankless water heaters. A standard 50-gallon tank-style water heater will cost $570 – 600, for electric and gas systems respectively. Installing the tankless water heater system is fairly straightforward and will cost you an extra $600 – 800 if you use the existing hookups.

Tankless water heater

Tankless water heaters, being newer technology, are costlier. The cost of a unit is between $525 and $1,150. Depending on the water usage in your home, you may need more than one unit. Installing a tankless water heater cost anywhere from $800 to $1,500. In addition to installation costs for the system, you may need to upgrade your home’s electrical service to 200 amps.

repair of a tankless water heater

Water heater energy usage and efficiency

Traditional water heater

For storage tanks that run on electricity, you can expect the unit to consume around $580 of electricity on average per year if the cost of electricity is $0.132 per kWh. Gas-powered storage tanks, on the other hand, has an annual operating cost of $245, whereas the average price of natural gas is $10.86 per 1,000 cubic feet. Gas-powered storage tanks are far more efficient than units that use electricity.

Tankless water heater

Generally, tankless water heaters are more efficient than storage tanks if both units use the same fuel type. Gas-operated tankless water heaters have lower operating costs than electric ones; with an annual cost of $195 versus $535. But this is really due to the higher cost of electricity; tankless water heaters that run on electricity are actually more efficient.

Water heater performance

Traditional water heater

Because storage tanks are constantly running, water is already hot by the time it is needed. There is no wait time when you use traditional water heaters. Regardless of whether the unit is gas or electricity-powered, a storage tank will always deliver a steady supply of water at your required temperature.

Tankless water heater

The rate at which a tankless water heater delivers hot water depends on the temperature of the groundwater and your home’s water demand. In most cases, it is not possible to run the dishwasher and washing machine at the same time that someone is taking a shower, when there is just one tankless water heater in the home.

install tankless water heater

Photo Courtesy of

Other considerations


With a traditional water heater, you need space for the tank. Water heater tanks can be as high as 5 feet and 2 feet wide or more. Additionally, they must be installed in spaces with adequate ventilation. This is not a requirement for tankless water heater installations.

Safety and maintenance

Traditional water heaters need repairs and maintenance more often than tankless water heaters. With storage tanks, there is always a risk of corrosion, leaks, and safety issues due to overheating. These issues do not exist with a tankless water heater.

Which water heater should you buy?

Tankless systems cost more in the beginning but less going forward. The reverse is true for traditional water heaters. If space is an issue for you, a tankless system clearly makes more sense. Another thing tankless systems have going for them is their superior energy usage and efficiency.

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