Category Archives: sewer line

Is Your Sewer Line Working Properly?

find out if your sewer line is working properly.

The underground sewer line on your property is probably the most invisible feature of your entire home. Every homeowner knows that their home has a sewer line that transports wastewater from their plumbing fixtures to the municipal sewer lines in the street.

However, very few homeowners understand how this system works, notes the team at Astoria Charm Property Management. In most homes, sewer line care is the least-attended aspect of a homeowner’s home maintenance routine. Why? The reasons are simple:

  • Sewer lines are underground. They are not in the owner’s line of sight. As such, they are easy to forget.
  • Secondly, sewer line maintenance does not command a sense of urgency because homeowners often assume that their sewer pipes are tough.
  • Thirdly, sewer line maintenance is unpleasant; no one wants to deal with pipes that are full of gross waste materials.

As a result, many homeowners don’t know the exact location of their sewer line or the actual condition of the pipes. That is the main reason sewer line problems are among the most difficult issues to fix in the home.

If a homeowner does not maintain their sewer line, they will also be unable to detect budding issues in the system. As a result, sewer line problems are often allowed to go on for a long time before they are eventually detected.

Most homeowners only become aware of sewer line issues when they become plumbing emergencies, which are problems that make plumbing unusable.

Do you know where your sewer lines are located? Is your system working? Below are guidelines to help you determine your sewer line’s condition and protect the pipes.

wet patches in your lawn could mean trouble with your sewer line.

Damp areas in your yard mean the sewer line does not contain the wastewater inside it. A section of the line may be bellied or cracked.

4 signs that your sewer line is in trouble

Even though sewer lines are underground, if there are problems with the system, symptoms will often show up above ground. Here are four telltale signs that your sewer line needs urgent attention.

Slow drains

Slow drains in your home are often the first sign you will see if there are blocked or collapsed sections in your sewer line. The clearest indication of a sewer line problem is when multiple drains in your home are slow at the same time. A single slow drain is not necessarily a sign of sewer line problems.

Changing water levels in the toilet

If you flush your toilet and the water inside the bowl rises before slowly draining away, you may have a problem with your sewer line. Also, if the water level sometimes falls below the usual level, you may suspect problems in your sewer line. The inconsistent water level in the toilet bowl is a sign of sewer line issues.

Damp areas in your yard

Damp areas in your yard mean the sewer line does not contain the wastewater inside it. A section of the line may be bellied or cracked. It could also be that a weak joint in the system is leaking wastewater into the surrounding soil. In severe cases, this problem can cause flooding on your property.

Grading issues in your yard

Sometimes, the issues in your sewer line will not create damp spots around the yard. Instead, they will cause portions of the yard to start to rise. The ground may swell as a result of its increased moisture content. That can cause the lawn surface to become uneven and lead to flooding.

How to make sure your sewer line works properly

If any of the above signs are on your property, you may want to contact a professional plumber and have them investigate the signs further. But if there are no signs of sewer line problems in your home, here are steps to ensure you never have them.

  • The following types of food waste should never enter your drains: stringy/fibrous foods, oils, fats, grease, eggshells, coffee grounds, and starchy foods.
  • Only use single-ply toilet paper or “sewer safe” single-ply toilet paper; extra thick toilet paper may get stuck in sewer lines.
  • Diapers, rubber bands, dental floss, feminine hygiene products, and paper wipes/towels should never be flushed down the toilet.
  • Keep tree roots away from your sewer line. Tree roots can penetrate and block underground sewer pipes.
  • Have the sewer line inspected by a professional plumber at least once a year. The best method is a sewer camera inspection service.
  • Clean your sewer line yearly to remove any buildup inside it, even if the sewer line is not showing any signs of trouble.

It is hard to overestimate the value of a functional sewer line to your health, comfort, and your building’s structural integrity. Keeping your sewer line in the best possible condition is not hard at all. You need to follow these simple rules above.

The Sewer Line Vs. Water Line – What’s The Difference and How To Maintain Both

sewer line vs water line.

As a homeowner, it is important to understand the differences between your sewer line and water line, and how to maintain both of them properly. The sewer and water lines are two separate systems that run through the property and have different functions. This article will go over the differences between the two and provide tips on how to maintain each one to avoid costly repairs.

The Sewer Line

The sewer line is responsible for carrying the wastewater from your home to the municipal sewer system or septic tank. It connects all of the drains in your home, including the toilets, sinks, shower, and washing machine, to the main sewer line. The sewer line is typically made of cast iron, PVC or ABS plastic, or clay.

Symptoms of a Clogged Sewer Line

A clogged sewer line can cause serious problems in your home, including sewage backup, flooding, and foul odors. Detecting and cleaning out a clogged sewer line early can help you avoid these problems. Look out for the following signs of a clogged sewer line:

  • Slow-draining sinks, showers, or tubs
  • Gurgling sounds coming from your toilet or drains
  • Sewage backup in your home or yard
  • Foul odors coming from your drains

Maintaining Your Sewer Line

Maintaining your sewer line is essential to keep it functioning correctly. Here are some tips to help you maintain your sewer line:

  • Regularly clean your drains with hot water and a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. This will help prevent clogs from forming in the first place.
  • Hire a professional plumber to camera inspect your sewer line regularly. An inspection can help you detect any potential problems early before they turn into expensive repairs.
water line.

The water line is responsible for carrying clean water into your home from the municipal water supply or a private well.

The Water Line

The water line is responsible for carrying clean water into your home from the municipal water supply or a private well. It connects to your water main and distributes water throughout your home to your faucets, showerhead, and appliances. The water line is typically made of copper or PVC pipe.

Symptoms of a Broken Water Line

A broken water line can cause serious damage to your property and can be expensive to repair. Here are some signs that you may have a broken water line:

  • Low water pressure or no water at all
  • Discolored water coming from your faucet
  • Wet spots in your yard or foundation

Maintaining Your Water Line

Maintaining your water line is essential to ensure that you have clean, safe water flowing into your home. Here are some tips to help you maintain your water line:

Avoid putting pressure on your water line. Do not park or drive heavy vehicles over the water line, as this can cause damage.

Avoid using drain cleaners or chemicals that can corrode or damage your pipes. Instead, use hot water and baking soda or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clean your drains and pipes.

Winterize your pipes to avoid freezing and bursting. Disconnect hoses from outdoor faucets and wrap exposed pipes with insulation.

Regularly inspect your water line for leaks or damage. If you notice any problems, contact a plumber to make a main water line repair immediately.


Maintaining your sewer line and water line properly is essential to avoid costly repairs and damage to your property. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can prevent clogs, blockages, and leaks in your pipes and ensure that you have clean, safe water flowing into your home. Remember, if you notice any signs of problems with your sewer line or water line, contact your local plumber to address the issue immediately.

When to Call a Professional: Understanding Your Sewer Line Needs

when to call a professional for your sewer line.

Sewer lines are an integral part of every household’s plumbing system. They are responsible for carrying waste and wastewater from your home to the municipal sewer system. Keeping your sewer lines in good working condition is important for the health and safety of your family. Unfortunately, sewer line problems can occur at any time, and when they do, they can be difficult to detect and fix. It is important to know when to call a professional plumber to help you with your sewer line needs.

The Signs of Sewer Line Problems

It is important to pay attention to the signs of sewer line problems. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to call a professional:

  • Slow drains in your sinks, tubs, or showers
  • Gurgling sounds coming from your drains
  • Foul smells coming from your drains or outside of your home
  • Water backups in your sinks, tubs, or showers
  • Lush patches of grass in your yard
  • Sewage smells outside of your home
  • Sewage backups in your basement

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to act quickly. Sewer line problems can worsen over time, and they can lead to serious health and safety hazards.

sewer line repairs.

Professionals have the necessary experience and training to identify and fix sewer line problems.

The Importance of Professional Help

While it is possible to try to fix sewer line problems on your own, it is generally best to call a professional sewer line repair service. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Safety concerns: Sewer lines can contain dangerous gases and chemicals that pose a health and safety hazard. Professionals have the necessary safety equipment and experience to deal with these hazards.
  • Experience: Sewer line problems can be complex, and they require an understanding of plumbing systems. Professionals have the necessary experience and training to identify and fix sewer line problems.
  • Equipment: Fixing sewer line problems often requires specialized equipment that homeowners may not have on hand. Professionals have the necessary equipment to quickly and effectively fix sewer line problems.
  • Cost savings: While it may seem cheaper to try to fix sewer line problems on your own, it can actually end up costing more in the long run. A professional can identify and fix the problem quickly, which can save you money on repairs and prevent further damage to your home.
a sewer line that has encountered tree root infestation.

A professional may need to use a special rooter machine to remove the tree roots.

Common Sewer Line Problems and Solutions

Here are a few common sewer line problems and some potential solutions:

Tree Root Infestation

Tree roots are a common cause of sewer line problems. Over time, tree roots can grow into sewer lines and cause blockages. In some cases, tree roots can break sewer lines. To fix this problem, a professional may need to use a special rooter machine to remove the tree roots. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the sewer line.

Sewer Line Clogs

Clogs can occur in sewer lines due to a buildup of debris. To fix this problem, a professional may need to use a high-pressure hydro jetting service to clear the blockage. In some cases, it may be necessary to use a snake or auger to remove the clog.

Cracks and Leaks

Cracks and leaks in sewer lines can be caused by a number of factors, including age, corrosion, and shifting soil. To fix this problem, a professional may need to use a camera to inspect the sewer line and identify the location of the crack or leak. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the sewer line.

Preventing Sewer Line Problems

While it is not always possible to prevent sewer line problems, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk:

  • Do not put grease, oil, or fat down your drains.
  • Only flush toilet paper and human waste down your toilets.
  • Do not flush other objects down your toilets, such as feminine hygiene products, diapers, or paper towels.
  • Avoid planting trees or shrubs near your sewer line.


Understanding your sewer line needs is important for maintaining the health and safety of your family. If you notice any signs of sewer line problems, it is important to act quickly and call a professional for help. By working with a professional, you can ensure that your sewer line problems are fixed quickly and effectively.

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