Category Archives: local plumbers

Local Plumbers to Avoid

Local Plumbers to Avoid

You will only know the importance of finding a competent local plumber once you have had an unqualified plumber mess up the plumbing in your home. Plumbing emergencies are one of the worst problems to have in the house. Issues like water heater malfunctions, burst or frozen pipe emergencies, or an overflowing toilet can grind your entire household to a halt.

When you have a plumbing emergency in your home, Advantage Properties advises you want to be sure the person you hire to fix it knows what they are doing. However, in most cities in the USA, there is a surplus of plumbers, but finding the right one can be very difficult. It does not make it easier as incompetent plumbers often charge less than capable ones.

A dishonest plumber can do this because they will use substandard materials and methods. Additionally, they spend fewer hours on a job, so homeowners’ labor costs are lower. But the allure of that cheap patch-up job fades when the home’s plumbing fails, and the cost of fixing it is several times more than the money saved.

How can you identify an incompetent plumber and avoid the harm that person can do to your home’s plumbing and finances? Before you hire a plumber to work in your home, check for the following seven things. An honest and competent plumber will not have any difficulties satisfying the opposite of the listed conditions.

New plumbing companies

If a plumber is inexperienced, you don’t want them messing with your home’s plumbing. Avoid newly established plumbing companies. That new company may be a fly-by-night operation that just rolled into town. If a company doesn’t have roots in the area, it can easily pack up and leave. Unless the principal of the new plumbing company can show a track record of having worked with another reputable plumber, don’t hire them.

Plumbers without an up-to-date license

A plumber needs to be licensed to work in the municipality. But more than having a license is required; the license must be up to date. You should be able to verify their registration status with the local government and the local chapter of their professional body. Also, you want the plumber to have expertise working with homes like yours. Even if they are legit, hire someone other than a plumber who specializes in commercial plumbing systems for your residential plumbing repair issues.

A plumber who does not have enough reviews or references

A local plumber should be able to furnish you with sufficient references. If the plumber has experience working in the area and is as good as they claim, it should be easy to give you a list of past or current customers. Only hire a plumber if they provide out-of-town references or if the references are good. Do not hire a plumber if they don’t have an online footprint or if all the online reviews are positive.

Plumbers who don’t have enough insurance

Even good plumbers make mistakes, but the best plumbers always prepare for that possibility. Avoid a plumber if they do not have sufficient insurance. At a minimum, the plumber should have enough insurance to cover employees injured on the job, protect you from liability and cover your losses if your property is damaged. Avoid a plumber who will not let you verify the extent of their coverage with their insurer.

A plumber who doesn’t employ licensed tradesmen

Avoid a plumbing company if they don’t have licensed tradesmen on their payroll. Plumbing systems are delicate; the massive damage that can result from a minor error by an incompetent worker is something you want to avoid. Even if the owner is qualified, the lack of experienced hands could lead to long wait times. You want to know that the company can deploy a trained plumber to your home in an emergency.

Plumbers who don’t offer guarantees and warranties

If the plumber can’t give clear-cut answers about what they will do if there is a problem with a job they did for you, avoid that plumbing company. You want a plumber who offers guarantees on the parts they used in your system, plus on the labor. If the plumber does not guarantee that something goes wrong with the job within a specific timeframe and that they will fix it at no cost to you; you don’t want to hire them.

Plumbers who will not put it into writing

If a plumber wants the contract to be verbal and hesitates to put it on paper, they cannot be trusted. Your arrangement with a plumber should not be over the phone. That is subject to change and there is no way to prove what you agreed with the company. All agreements should be documented and both parties should agree on the meaning of every aspect of the contract. If anything, please do not work with that plumber.

These seven simple tips should save you the inconvenience of hiring a less than adequate plumber and will save you a ton of money in the long run.

Why You Should Always Opt for a Local Plumber in Chicago

a local plumber in chicago

Your home’s relationship with your plumber is like your relationship with your family physician. Although the relationship is professional, it has a personal dimension. Because the doctor has watched your body transition through various stages of life, they are intimately familiar with your body’s health needs.

In the same way, Abacus Avenue Management explains, you also want your plumber to have a familiar knowledge of your home’s plumbing system. When there is an issue with the water pipes or drains, you don’t want someone who will deal with those problems in isolation from other issues in the system. You want them to adopt a holistic approach that considers your home’s history.

How do you build that relationship between yourself, your home, and your plumber? A simple way to do this is to find a professional and experienced plumber who is local and stick with them. When looking for a plumber, you can choose between a national/regional company and a plumber who operates within your community.

Why you should always choose a local plumber

Here are six reasons you are better off working with a local plumber.


A good reputation is probably the most important quality you want in your plumber. You will understand just how important this is if you have ever had a plumber make a problem worse than it was in the beginning. 

It is easier to verify the claims of a plumber if that person is local versus when they are not. Your neighbors may be able to share first-hand experiences of working with the plumber. 

It is also more accessible to follow up on the references a local plumber shares with you. When dealing with a non-local plumber, you often only have the company’s word regarding their reputation.

Personal touch

When working with a local plumbing company, you can put a face to the company’s operations. You know exactly whom you are dealing with because you meet the company’s owner and the staff. You can build a relationship with the organization. This is important when solving plumbing issues in your home since people are nicer to people they know. 

You cannot get this kind of treatment when you hire a non-local company. First, the chances that you will meet the owner or principal officers of the organization are very slim. Second, the company’s employees are constantly being rotated, and you never know whom you will get.


The employees of the non-local company who fix the plumbing issues in your home often don’t have the power to make crucial decisions. But a local company can make decisions on the fly; it is easy to agree with them on what needs to be done and how it should be done.

A local plumber does not have to wade through layers of red tape before acting. In a couple of minutes, you can decide with your plumber; this is very important when dealing with plumbing emergencies. A local plumber’s flexibility can save you tons of time and money. 


When dealing with plumbing issues in the home, it is vital to have a plumber who can be available at short notice. Because the plumber lives in your community and you have a personal relationship with them, it is easier to get your local plumber to come to your home at odd hours. 

Access to 24-hour service every day of the week can make all the difference when dealing with emergencies like burst pipes, clogged drains, sewage backups, or plumbing issues with the potential to cause massive damage. Not having to wait hours for a plumber will save you money.


Local plumbers are more affordable and more effective than non-local plumbers and chain companies such as Roto-Rooter and the like. Why is this? Local plumbers treat customers like friends and family. This is quite unlike non-local plumbers, where the customer is a number or faceless name. 

Additionally, non-local plumbing companies have considerable overheads to worry about, and their primary concern is the bottom line rather than maintaining the relationship with their customers. As a result of these differences, the local plumber charges less money for their services, even though they are better.


Finally, a local plumber will have an intimate knowledge of the area. They know the common plumbing problems and the solutions that have worked for them in the past. The local plumber is used to the water issues peculiar to your area and the piping systems used in homes. 

They do not have to look long and hard to understand the problems in your home, even if they are visiting for the first time. Overall, this can amplify the plumber’s efficiency and also help you cut costs.

When looking for a plumber to service your home, look no further than your friendly, local plumber.

Are you looking for a local plumber in Chicago? We can help! Contact us below:

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