
How Our Plumbers Save On Their Own Water Bills

How Our Plumbers Save On Their Own Water Bills

Professional plumbers in Chicago know a thing or two about saving money on their home’s water bills.

That is because they work with plumbing systems all the time and know the different household activities that are most likely to increase their home’s water usage.

Moreover, they also know how to tweak these activities to shave hundreds of dollars off their yearly spending on water.

That is good for Chicago plumbers, but what about the rest of us who are not professional plumbers? Do we have to stay stuck with paying high water bills?

The good news is the water-saving techniques used by Chicago city plumbers are also available to other homeowners.

Even if you know nothing about how your home’s plumbing works, you can still use these methods.

Below, we outline some everyday steps real plumbers use to save money on their home’s water bills. Apply these steps to gain control of your water usage and put an end to spiraling water bills in your home, advises Vesta Electric.

6 water-saving strategies used by Chicago plumbers

Check your plumbing for leaks

You may be paying for way more water than you use because of leaks in your plumbing. One small leak can waste between 2,000 and 5,000 gallons of water yearly. If there is more than one leak, the impact on your home’s water bills is best imagined. The trouble with water leaks is they may be present in your home without showing up inside the house. To detect a leak in your plumbing, you should learn how to use the water meter to check for it.

Eliminate inefficiencies in your plumbing

If neglected, small problems like a running toilet or dripping faucet can waste several gallons of water and add hundreds of dollars to your water bill. In addition to fixing these problems, doing the following upgrades will help you save money:

  • Install water-efficient showerhead: Modern low-flow models let you save as much as 750 gallons of water every year without sacrificing the quality of shower times
  • Install new aerators: Aerators cost almost nothing to replace, but they can help to reduce water usage by up to 30%
  • Install low-flow faucets: Instead of the 2.2 gpm that you get with standard faucets, low-flow models deliver below 1.6 gpm and lower
  • Install efficient appliances: The large upfront cost of a new washer or dishwasher is worth it because these newer models use half the water of older models

Shower, don’t take a bath

A nice warm bath is good if you do it occasionally. But if you indulge in baths too often, you could see a massive spike in your home’s water bills. While the average bath uses around 36 gallons of water, a ten-minute shower uses an average of 20 gallons. If you use a low-flow showerhead and cut the number of minutes you spend in the shower, the water usage of the shower can even be lower.

Use greywater for your garden

Greywater is the name for the used-up water from your sinks, tub and washing machine. This water is unsafe for drinking or washing dishes but perfectly fine for watering your plants. There are many ways to collect water in your home; for instance, you can wash fruits and veggies inside a bowl instead of inside the sink or place a bucket under the washing machine hose to catch water after the rinse. This water can be used to water indoor and outdoor plants or to flush the toilet.

Take your car to the carwash

Why spend money to wash a car when trying to save money on water bills? When you wash your car at home, on average, you use 120 gallons of water per wash (same as taking 6 showers a day). In contrast, the car wash only uses 20 gallons of water, and it has a water reclamation system for recycling the water. It makes sense to spend 8 dollars at the car wash if you will save money on your water bill.

Choose local/drought-resistant plants

A significant amount of the water used in your home goes to keeping the lawn green. If the plants in your yard are alien to the environment, they will need a lot of water. But you can cut down on your lawn’s water consumption by selecting plants that are native to the area and also drought-resistant. Those will survive longer periods without water.

And there you have it. With these six steps, anybody – not just professional plumbers in Chicago – can achieve outstanding savings on their home’s water bills. Try these strategies today and let us know how it goes.

Plumbing Problems vs. Plumbing Emergencies: What Every Homeowner Should Know

Plumbing Problems vs. Plumbing Emergencies

Problems in your home’s plumbing system are unavoidable, but emergencies in your plumbing system are not. Plumbing emergencies do not have to happen. Homeowners often conflate plumbing problems with plumbing emergencies, but they are not the same according to AIM Real Estate, Inc.

While plumbing emergencies should not ever have to happen in your home, there is nothing you can do to stop plumbing problems from occurring. Problems in your plumbing WILL happen, but if you ignore those problems, they WILL become plumbing emergencies.

Today, we discuss the difference between plumbing problems and plumbing emergencies.

This post will show you the link between plumbing problems and plumbing emergencies. When you finish reading this article, you will see why having plumbing problems in your home should not mean that you will also have plumbing emergencies.

Plumbing problems

These are routine issues that happen in the plumbing system. They are the natural consequences of using the plumbing in the prescribed manner. Plumbing problems stem from wear and tear or aging. They will typically not stop you from using your home’s plumbing fixtures.

Most plumbing problems are not urgent. So you can DIY the problems. Because they are not disruptive, plumbing problems are typically detected during routine use of the plumbing fixtures, and they are solved as part of the home’s regular plumbing maintenance.

Examples of plumbing problems include:

A dripping faucet

The sound of a dripping faucet may be annoying enough to keep you up at night, and the problem can inflate your home’s water bills. But you will still be able to use your faucet despite the issue.

Slow drains

Slow drains are a huge inconvenience and a massive waste of your time (especially if you have to wait for a sink or shower to empty), but they don’t bring your life to an abrupt stop.

Running toilet

Similar to a dripping faucet, a runny toilet is a huge annoyance and a massive waste of money. But this problem will not make your toilet unusable or expose your home to the risk of damage.

Low water pressure

This is another highly frustrating plumbing issue that will waste your time and impair your shower time enjoyment. But you can still live with a low water pressure in your home.

Pipe leaks

Depending on how it happens, pipe leaks are not necessarily an emergency. Leaking pipes that do not damage your flooring, walls, foundation, or landscaping are not an urgent problem.

From the above, you can see that plumbing problems are not pressing. They don’t endanger the structures of your building or prevent the use of your home’s plumbing fixtures.

a burst pipe is considered a plumbing emergency.

It is hard to go to sleep when there is a gaping hole in your water pipe, discharging gallons of water into your home. This problem can result in structural damage to your home and massive property loss.

Plumbing emergencies

Emergencies in the home are generally described as those problems that make your home unlivable, and plumbing emergencies fit this description. Plumbing emergencies typically announce themselves by the amount of damage they can do in a short time.

Plumbing emergencies cannot be ignored or solved with DIY methods because speed is vital when dealing with plumbing emergencies. A plumbing emergency’s highly disruptive nature means that it only worsens the longer it takes to solve the issue.

Examples of plumbing emergencies include:

A burst pipe

It is hard to go to sleep when there is a gaping hole in your water pipe, discharging gallons of water into your home. This problem can result in structural damage to your home and massive property loss.

Sewage backup

If raw sewage is oozing from your toilet and floor drains, that is a plumbing emergency. This issue will make your home unlivable and expose you to the risk of ill health. It must be solved immediately.

Gas leaks

A gas leak carries the threat of house fires and death by suffocation. That is not a problem you can afford to ignore. Nor is it one you should attempt to DIY.


Whether caused by damage to your home’s plumbing or extreme weather events, a flood inside your home qualifies as an emergency because it is disruptive and very destructive.

No water in your home

A sudden break in your home’s water supply line qualifies as an emergency because the presence of potable water is one of the key things that make a home livable. A qualified plumber should be able to repair your main water line in a timely manner.

Relationship between plumbing problems and plumbing emergencies

Most plumbing emergencies begin as plumbing problems.

When those plumbing problems are undiscovered, ignored or poorly solved, they degenerate to a point where they cause a disaster in the home. That is why the best way to prevent plumbing emergencies in your home is to deal with plumbing problems as soon as you find them.

To stop plumbing emergencies in your home, follow these steps:

  • Have a professional inspect your home’s plumbing on a schedule every year
  • Have your drains professionally cleaned at least once a year
  • Make sure plumbing issues are properly fixed as soon as they are detected

Lastly, you want to ensure that you have a certified and experienced emergency plumber whom you can trust to find and fix the plumbing problems in your home before those issues grow into highly damaging and costly plumbing emergencies.

How to Handle And Prevent Backflow Emergencies in Chicago

How to Handle And Prevent Backflow Emergencies in Chicago

The plumbing systems in homes and office buildings – including your Chicago home – all have two major divisions. One part of the plumbing brings fresh water from the water company into your home before distributing the water, via a network of pipes, to the plumbing fixtures and appliances in the house.

The second part of the plumbing removes dirty water coming from your plumbing fixtures and appliances. This wastewater is collected by the different drains inside the home and transported out of the house into the main sewer line, which then moves the water into the city sewer lines in the street.

When your home’s plumbing is operating as it should, the contents of these two sections of the plumbing system never meet, notes KRS Tidewater Management. If the potable water inside your freshwater pipes ever meets with the grey water or sewage inside the drainage system, your home’s water supply will be seriously contaminated.

This problem usually happens when there is backflow in your plumbing system. Backflow occurs when the water in the plumbing flows in the reverse direction due to severe and unusual variations in pressure within the system. What causes backflow, and how should you handle this plumbing emergency?

What causes backflow?

Two kinds of backflow can happen in your home – backpressure backflow and back siphonage backflow – and each has a different cause.

Back pressure backflow: This happens when the pressure in the downstream sector (drainage system) becomes greater than the pressure in the upstream region (potable water system) of the plumbing, causing the contents of your drainpipes to flow in the reverse direction and back into the freshwater pipes.

These sudden and intense changes in pressure are due to pumps, boilers, line flushing, leaks in the freshwater pipes and firefighting activities.

Back Siphonage Backflow: This is caused by a vacuum or partial vacuum in the public water system or your home’s potable water supply system. The effect of having a vacuum in your potable water supply line is similar to what happens when you drink water through a straw.

Back Siphonage backflow is also caused by firefighting activities. Other causes of this problem are issues in your water main, repairs and breaks in the city main.

Effects of backflow on your home

  • Tainted water supply with risk of serious illness
  • Sewage odors inside your home due to sewer gases leaking from the drainage system
  • Lethal insecticides in your garden hose leaking into the home’s water supply
  • Risk of damage to hot water lines and appliances
  • Possibility of sewage backing into the house and damaging your walls and flooring

How to detect and prevent backflow emergencies in your Chicago home

Backflow testing is the only reliable way to determine if your home has a backflow problem. Backflow testing is required if your home has an irrigation system or well. If you just bought the house or your plumbing system is old, backflow testing is something you should consider.

It is also a good idea to check your plumbing system for backflow if you do not have a backflow preventer installed. To do this test, you need to have a certified Chicago plumber. A plumber who understands the peculiar plumbing challenges of Chicago homes is best for this job.

If your plumbing is determined to have backflow issues, the best way to solve the problem is to install a backflow prevention valve. The best kinds of backflow prevention devices are automatic ones. Manually-operated backflow prevention systems are not recommended.

Types of automatic backflow prevention devices

Air gaps

Air gaps involve creating a physical space between your home’s potable and non-potable water system. The device operates on simple principles, yet it is highly effective in preventing backflow. You can use air gaps to prevent backflow, whether it is caused by back siphonage or back pressure.

Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker Assembly

This device operates via an inlet valve. When water flows through the pipes, the air inlet valve is closed. However, if the water stops flowing, the valve opens to let air into the system and neutralize pressure imbalances, thereby stopping backflow. This device is best for backflow caused by back siphonage.

Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly

This backflow preventer contains an air inlet valve, check valve and shut offs. The check valve is open when water is flowing through the pipes but closes as soon as it stops flowing. The inlet valve is then opened to allow air into the pipes. This system prevents back siphonage.

Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA)

These devices contain two spring-loaded check valves with shutoff valves and test cocks. The check valve closes when there is a threat of backflow. But if the first check valve fails, the second check valve serves as a backup. This kind of backflow preventer works for both back siphonage and back pressure.

Do you suspect that your Chicago home may have problems with backflow? Contact us at 773-599-9181 or by form below!

How to Prevent Your Toilet From Overflowing

How to Prevent Your Toilet From Overflowing

An overflowing toilet is one of the grossest plumbing emergencies in your home. In addition to its highly unpleasant nature, this plumbing issue can stop you from using your toilet. It may even inflict massive damage on your home and belongings, warns the Dennis Management team.

If you have experienced a toilet overflow in your home, what can you do to prevent a future reoccurrence? In this post, we explain everything you need to know about toilet overflows, their immediate and remote causes, and how to prevent the problem.

What is toilet overflow, and what causes your toilet to overflow?

A toilet overflow happens when you flush your toilet and, instead of the water inside the bowl flowing into the toilet drain, the water level inside the bowl rises until the toilet bowl is filled. If the toilet is flushed again during the period, this dirty water can run over the edge of the toilet bowl and spill human waste on the floor.

The toilet would overflow for two main reasons: a clogged drain and sewer line backup.

  • Clogged drain: There are many reasons why your toilet drain could be clogged. Sometimes, the blockage is directly below the drain opening. Other times, the clog is deep inside the drainage system. Only the toilet will be clogged if the blockage is just below the drain opening. Blockages deep inside your drainpipes will also affect the other drains in your home.
  • Sewer line backup: A sewage backup happens when the content of your sewer line flows in the reverse direction. Instead of the wastewater inside the pipes flowing onwards to the city sewer lines in the street, it comes back into your home. Sewer line backups are an extreme outcome of unattended problems in your sewer line. They are also caused by backflow problems in the home’s plumbing.

How to prevent toilet overflows in your home

To prevent this plumbing emergency, you must know the immediate and remote reasons why your toilet drain is blocked. It is also essential to know the giveaway signs that there are problems in your toilet drain in particular and the drainage system as a whole. How can you prevent blockages in your toilet drain?

Only flush toilet paper and human waste into the toilet

Many items are marketed as “flushable” but have no business going into your toilet. Flushing them into the toilet is the number one reason your toilet drain clogs and overflows. What are some of the items that should never find their way into your toilet?

Cigarette butts, wipes, female sanitary products, baby wipes, paper towels, condoms, medications, chewing gum, dental floss, diapers, and tampons are just a few of the items that will harm your toilet drain. The only things that should go into your toilet are human waste and toilet paper.

Flush toilet properly

Residues of human waste and toilet paper that are left inside the toilet drain after you flush the toilet can build up over time until they become a problem. These residues encourage clogs in the toilet drain. Flush your toilet more than once if you used it for a long time or used a lot of toilet paper.

do not pour grease down your drain.

Washing fats, oils and grease (FOG) into any of your home’s drains is an invitation to disaster.

Do not wash FOGs into your home’s drains

Washing fats, oils and grease (FOG) into any of your home’s drains is an invitation to disaster. Recall that clogs and blockages in any part of the home’s drainage can ripple outwards and backwards to your toilet drain. FOGs predispose your home’s drains to clogs and blockages.

In addition to not flushing FOGs into the drain, you should not use the garbage disposal as a trash bin. Also, avoid flushing the following items into your kitchen sink: starchy foods (rice and potatoes), stringy vegetables, eggshells, and coffee grinds; they will clog your drains.

Avoid chemical drain cleaners

These products offer a quick way to clear the clogs inside your home’s drains, including the toilet drain. However, chemical drain cleaners also harm your drainage system because of the harsh corrosives they contain. These corrosives may erode your pipes, weakening them and predisposing your drains to leaks and clogs.

Have your drains inspected and cleaned on a schedule

Problems that cause the toilet to overflow can be detected on time if the home’s drains are inspected on schedule. Most clogs need time to develop to the point where they can become big enough to cause a sewage backup in your home. Regular sewer camera inspections let you solve problems before they become emergencies.

Finally, what should you do if you suddenly find that the toilet in your home is about to overflow? The best option is to call a professional plumber right away. If the overflow is already in progress, trying to solve it by plunging the toilet rarely works.

The Importance of Having a Sump Pump Battery Backup: Be Prepared in Chicago

The Importance of Having a Sump Pump Battery Backup

Chicago, a vibrant city known for its architectural marvels, diverse culture, and unpredictable weather patterns. While Chicago has much to offer its residents, it is also prone to heavy rainfall, causing occasional flooding in many areas. This is where having a sump pump battery backup becomes crucial to protect your basement from potential water damage. Here we will explore the importance of having a sump pump battery backup and how it can help you be prepared for unexpected flooding in Chicago.

Understanding the Role of a Sump Pump

A sump pump is a vital mechanism that keeps basements and crawl spaces dry by effectively pumping out excess water. It is typically installed in a pit, commonly known as the sump basin, located in the lowest part of the basement floor. When heavy rainfall or melting snow causes water to accumulate around the foundation of your home, the sump pump activates and prevents the water from infiltrating your basement.

While a standard sump pump is designed to efficiently remove water, it relies on electricity to operate. Unfortunately, during severe storms or prolonged power outages, the very same events that often lead to flooding, electricity can be disrupted. This is when a sump pump battery backup becomes indispensable.

The Functionality of a Sump Pump Battery Backup

A sump pump battery backup is a secondary power source that allows your sump pump to continue functioning even if the primary power supply is lost. It works by utilizing a battery to power the sump pump and ensure it can keep your basement dry during power outages or when the electrical system is compromised.

The battery backup system automatically detects when the main power supply fails and seamlessly switches to battery mode. This ensures that the sump pump can continue removing water and protecting your basement from flooding, even in dire circumstances.

Why Should You Invest in a Sump Pump Battery Backup?

Living in Chicago means you are no stranger to heavy rains and the occasional severe storm. Here are a few compelling reasons why investing in a sump pump battery backup is essential:

  • Protection During Power Outages: One of the main advantages of having a sump pump battery backup is that it ensures your basement remains protected even when the power goes out. Power outages often occur during storms, precisely when flooding is most likely to happen. With a battery backup, you won’t have to worry about a non-functioning sump pump compromising the safety of your basement.
  • Prevent Costly Water Damage: Flooding can lead to extensive damage to your basement and belongings, resulting in thousands of dollars in repairs. A sump pump battery backup acts as an insurance policy, preventing water damage that could occur if your primary sump pump fails during a power outage.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that you have a reliable backup system in place can provide peace of mind. Instead of constantly worrying about potential flooding, you can trust that your sump pump battery backup will continue to protect your basement, even when you are not at home.
  • Enhanced Property Value: Installing a sump pump battery backup adds value to your property by ensuring that it is well-equipped to handle any potential flooding. This can be an attractive selling point if you decide to put your house on the market in the future.
installing a battery backup sump pump in chicago.

It is recommended to have your sump pump battery backup system installed by a professional. They have the expertise to ensure proper installation and can guide you on the best setup for your specific needs.

Selecting the Right Sump Pump Battery Backup

When it comes to choosing a sump pump battery backup, several factors should be taken into consideration:

  • Battery Capacity: The battery’s capacity determines how long your sump pump can operate during a power outage. It is crucial to select a battery backup system with sufficient capacity to meet your needs.
  • Battery Type: There are different types of batteries available, such as lead-acid and maintenance-free batteries. Research the advantages and disadvantages of each type and choose the one that best suits your requirements.
  • Alarm System: Some sump pump backups come with an alarm system that alerts you when the backup system is activated. This can be beneficial in ensuring you are aware of any power outages or potential flooding situations.
  • Maintenance and Testing: Regular maintenance and testing are essential to ensure your sump pump battery backup is ready to perform when needed. Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s recommendations and conduct routine checks to verify its functionality.

Installation and Maintenance Tips

To maximize the effectiveness of your sump pump battery backup, consider the following installation and maintenance tips:

  • Professional Installation: It is recommended to have your sump pump battery backup system installed by a professional. They have the expertise to ensure proper installation and can guide you on the best setup for your specific needs.
  • Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections of your sump pump and battery backup system to identify any potential issues or signs of wear and tear. Timely maintenance can prevent costly repairs in the long run.
  • Backup Battery Replacement: Batteries typically have a lifespan of three to five years. Plan for regular battery replacement to ensure your sump pump remains functional during power outages.
  • Familiarize Yourself: Take the time to familiarize yourself with the operation and functionality of your sump pump battery backup. In the event of an emergency, knowing how to manually activate the backup system can be invaluable.

In Conclusion

Living in Chicago means being prepared for the unexpected, including heavy rainfall and potential flooding. Installing a sump pump battery backup is a proactive step you can take to safeguard your basement from water damage. By providing a secondary power source during outages, a battery backup ensures your sump pump can continue removing water and protecting your valuable space. Invest in a reliable sump pump backup system, follow proper installation and maintenance practices, and gain the peace of mind that comes with being prepared.

The Role of Water Quality in Chicago: Understanding and Improving Your Tap Water

water quality in chicago.

The Importance of Water Quality

Water is an essential resource that we rely on for various purposes such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and cleaning. Ensuring the quality of our tap water is of utmost importance to protect our health and well-being. In the city of Chicago, water quality plays a crucial role in providing safe and clean drinking water to its residents. This article aims to shed light on the role of water quality in Chicago and provide insights on understanding and improving your tap water.

Understanding Water Quality

Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of the water supply. These characteristics are measured against certain standards and guidelines set by regulatory bodies to ensure that the water is safe for consumption. Factors that affect water quality include the source of water, treatment processes, storage, and distribution systems.

In Chicago, tap water is primarily sourced from Lake Michigan, one of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. The water undergoes a series of treatment processes to remove impurities and pathogens before it reaches our taps. However, despite these measures, there are still potential issues that can affect the quality of tap water.

Common Water Quality Concerns in Chicago

While the city of Chicago strives to provide clean and safe drinking water, there are certain factors that can impact the water quality. Understanding these concerns can help residents make informed decisions regarding their tap water.

1. Lead Contamination

One of the major concerns regarding water quality in Chicago is lead contamination. Lead can leach into the water supply from old lead pipes or plumbing fixtures, especially in older buildings. Exposure to high levels of lead can be detrimental to human health, especially for children and pregnant women.

2. Chlorine and Disinfection Byproducts

To ensure the safety of drinking water, chlorine is commonly used as a disinfectant in water treatment plants. While chlorine effectively kills harmful microorganisms, it can react with organic matter in the water and form disinfection byproducts (DBPs). Some DBPs, such as trihalomethanes (THMs), can pose health risks if consumed in large quantities over a long period of time.

3. Pesticides and Chemical Contaminants

Pesticides and other chemical contaminants can find their way into the water supply through agricultural runoff or industrial activities. These contaminants can be harmful to human health and can be challenging to remove through conventional treatment processes.

water filtration.

Improving Water Quality in Chicago

The city of Chicago is committed to continually improving the quality of tap water and addressing the aforementioned concerns. It is also essential for residents to take proactive steps to ensure the quality of their tap water.

1. Lead Testing

To determine whether your tap water contains lead, you can request a lead test from the Chicago Department of Water Management. If elevated lead levels are detected, you may need to take corrective actions such as installing filters or replacing you lead water lines.

2. Filtered Water Pitchers and Faucet Filters

Using filtered water pitchers or faucet filters can further improve the quality of your tap water by removing impurities and chlorine. Make sure to choose filters certified by recognized organizations like NSF International.

3. Bottled Water

Another option is to rely on bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes. However, it is important to consider the environmental impact of plastic waste generated by single-use bottles.

4. Regular Maintenance of Plumbing

Regularly inspecting and maintaining your plumbing system can help prevent lead contamination and other water quality issues. Replace any old or deteriorating pipes and fixtures to minimize the risk of contamination.

In Summary

Understanding and improving the tap water quality in Chicago is essential for safeguarding our health and well-being. By being aware of common water quality concerns and taking proactive measures, we can ensure that our tap water is safe for consumption. The city of Chicago is continuously working towards enhancing water quality, but it is also our responsibility as residents to be mindful of any potential risks and take appropriate actions to protect ourselves and our families.

The Importance of Including Plumbing in Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

spring cleaning plumbing.

Why Plumbing Should Be Included in Your Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is a time of renewal and fresh starts, and what better way to kick off the season than by giving your home a thorough cleaning? While many homeowners focus on tasks like dusting, decluttering, and organizing, it’s important not to overlook one crucial area: your plumbing system.

The Importance of Plumbing Maintenance

Your plumbing system plays a vital role in your everyday life, providing clean water for drinking, bathing, cooking, and more. Without proper maintenance, however, your plumbing system can develop issues that may disrupt your daily routine and even cause significant damage to your home.

By including plumbing maintenance in your spring cleaning checklist, you can detect and address problems early on, preventing them from escalating into more costly and extensive repairs. Additionally, regular plumbing maintenance can help improve the efficiency and lifespan of your plumbing system, saving you money on utility bills and future repairs.

Common Plumbing Issues to Watch Out For

While it’s always a good idea to schedule a professional plumbing inspection to thoroughly assess your system, there are several common plumbing issues that you can keep an eye out for during your spring cleaning:

1. Leaking Faucets

Leaky faucets may seem like a minor annoyance, but they can waste a surprising amount of water over time. Check all faucets in your home for any signs of leaks, such as dripping or a constant stream of water. If you discover a leak, it’s important to repair or replace the faulty faucet promptly.

2. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains are a common plumbing issue that can disrupt your daily routine. Use a drain cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clear any minor clogs. For more stubborn clogs, you can use a plunger or call a professional drain cleaning service.

3. Running Toilets

A running toilet not only wastes water but can also lead to a significant increase in your water bill. If you notice that your toilet continues to run after flushing, it’s essential to address the issue as soon as possible. Often, a running toilet can be fixed by adjusting the flapper or replacing some of the internal components.

4. Water Heater Maintenance

During your spring cleaning, don’t forget to include your water heater in your plumbing checklist. Flush the tank to remove sediment buildup, check for any leaks or unusual noises, and adjust the temperature if necessary. Regular maintenance can help extend the lifespan of your water heater and ensure it continues to provide hot water efficiently.

a woman performing a spring drain cleaning.

Clogged drains are a common plumbing issue that can disrupt your daily routine. Use a drain cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to clear any minor clogs. For more stubborn clogs, you can use a plunger or call a professional plumber for assistance.

The Benefits of Including Plumbing in Your Spring Cleaning

Now that you understand the importance of plumbing maintenance let’s take a closer look at the benefits of including it in your spring cleaning routine:

1. Cost Savings

By addressing plumbing issues early on, you can avoid more extensive and expensive repairs in the future. Additionally, proper maintenance helps improve the efficiency of your plumbing system, reducing your water and energy bills.

2. Increased Lifespan

A well-maintained plumbing system can have a significantly longer lifespan than one that is neglected. Regular inspections and maintenance help identify and resolve minor issues before they can cause significant damage or lead to system failure.

3. Health and Safety

Plumbing issues, such as leaks or clogs, can create an environment conducive to the growth of mold and mildew. These can lead to various health problems, including allergies, respiratory issues, and infections. By keeping your plumbing system in good condition, you can ensure a healthier living environment for you and your family.

4. Peace of Mind

Knowing that your plumbing system is well-maintained and functioning properly can provide you with peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about unexpected plumbing emergencies disrupting your daily life or expensive repairs catching you off guard.

Tips for Maintaining Your Plumbing System

Here are some helpful tips to keep your plumbing system in top shape:

1. Regular Inspections

Schedule annual professional plumbing inspections to identify any potential issues before they become major problems.

2. Watch What You Flush

Avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper and human waste down the toilet. Items like cotton balls, wipes, and feminine hygiene products can lead to clogs and other plumbing issues.

3. Be Mindful of Grease

Pouring grease down the drain can cause clogs and damage to your pipes. Instead, dispose of grease in a sealed container in the trash.

4. Use Drain Strainers

Install drain strainers in your sinks and showers to catch hair, soap residue, and food particles that can contribute to clogs.

5. Monitor Water Pressure

High water pressure can cause stress on your plumbing system over time, leading to leaks and other issues. Use a pressure gauge to ensure your water pressure is within the recommended range.

In Conclusion

Including plumbing maintenance in your spring cleaning checklist is essential for the overall health and efficiency of your home. By being proactive and addressing plumbing issues early on, you can avoid costly repairs, extend the lifespan of your plumbing system, and ensure a safe and comfortable living environment for you and your family. So, don’t forget to make plumbing a priority this spring!

Will My Homeowners Insurance Cover Sewer Line Repair?

sewer line repair insurance.

Understanding Homeowners Insurance Coverage for Sewer Line Repair

As a homeowner, you know the importance of having a comprehensive insurance policy to protect your investment. But when it comes to unexpected plumbing issues like sewer line repair, you may wonder if your homeowners insurance will cover the costs. This article aims to provide you with a clear understanding of homeowners insurance coverage for sewer line repair, helping you make informed decisions and avoid unexpected financial burdens.

What is Homeowners Insurance?

Before getting into the specifics of sewer line repair coverage, let’s briefly review what homeowners insurance is. Homeowners insurance is a type of property insurance that provides financial protection to homeowners in the event of damage to their property caused by certain covered perils, such as fire, theft, or natural disasters. This insurance policy typically includes coverage for both the structure of the home and personal belongings.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Sewer Line Repair?

The coverage for sewer line repair varies depending on the specific policy and insurance provider. In general, standard homeowners insurance policies do not cover the cost of repairing or replacing a sewer line that has been damaged or clogged due to normal wear and tear or age-related deterioration.

However, there are instances where homeowners insurance might provide coverage for sewer line repair. If the damage to your sewer line is caused by a covered peril, such as a sudden and accidental discharge of water from a burst pipe within your home, your insurance policy may cover the necessary repairs.

It’s essential to review your homeowners insurance policy or speak with your insurance agent to understand the specific terms and conditions related to sewer line coverage. They can provide you with the necessary information and help you determine whether you have adequate coverage or need to consider additional endorsements or policies.

a plumber performing a sewer line replacement.

If your homeowners insurance policy doesn’t provide coverage for sewer line repair, you may have the option to add an endorsement or separate policy specifically for sewer line protection.

Considerations for Sewer Line Repair Coverage

When evaluating your homeowners insurance policy’s coverage for sewer line repair, there are a few essential factors to consider:

1. Policy Exclusions

Insurance policies often have exclusions for certain types of damage or situations. It’s crucial to carefully review your policy to determine if sewer line repair is explicitly excluded. If it is, you may need to explore additional coverage options, such as adding an endorsement for sewer line protection.

2. Additional Coverage Options

If your homeowners insurance policy doesn’t provide coverage for sewer line repair, you may have the option to add an endorsement or separate policy specifically for sewer line protection. These additional coverage options can help safeguard you from unexpected expenses related to sewer line issues.

3. Age and Maintenance of Sewer Line

Some insurance providers may take into account the age and maintenance of your sewer line when considering coverage. If your sewer line is outdated or has not been adequately maintained, it might affect your eligibility for coverage. Regular maintenance and camera inspections of your sewer line can help mitigate any potential issues and increase the likelihood of coverage.

4. Deductibles and Coverage Limits

Even if your homeowners insurance covers sewer repairs, it’s essential to understand the deductibles and coverage limits associated with such claims. Reviewing these details can help you estimate your out-of-pocket expenses and determine if any changes or adjustments to your policy are necessary.

Preventive Measures for Sewer Line Issues

While homeowners insurance coverage for sewer repairs is essential, taking preventive measures can help you avoid potential problems and minimize the need for costly repairs. Consider the following preventive actions:

1. Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular inspections and maintenance for your sewer line. A professional plumber can identify any potential issues, such as roots infiltrating the pipes or signs of deterioration, allowing you to address them proactively.

2. Proper Disposal of Waste

Avoid flushing items down the toilet or pouring substances down the drain that can cause clogs or damage to your sewer line. This includes non-biodegradable products, grease, oil, and harsh chemicals.

3. Installing Backflow Prevention Devices

Consider installing backflow prevention devices to protect your sewer line from potential backups or damages caused by water flowing in the opposite direction. These devices can help prevent costly repairs and ensure the efficient functioning of your sewer system.

4. Tree and Plant Maintenance

If you have trees or plants near your sewer line, regularly inspect and trim their roots to prevent intrusion and damage to the pipes. Tree roots are a common cause of sewer line issues.


While homeowners insurance typically won’t cover sewer line repair for regular wear and tear, it’s essential to review your policy and explore any additional coverage options to ensure you are adequately protected. Taking preventive measures, such as regular maintenance and being mindful of what goes down your drains, can help reduce the likelihood of sewer line issues. By understanding your homeowners insurance coverage and implementing preventive measures, you can avoid unexpected financial burdens associated with sewer line repair.

Why Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Isn’t a Good Idea

Why Trenchless Sewer Line Repair Isn't a Good Idea

Here we will explore the drawbacks and limitations of trenchless sewer line repair methods. While these techniques have gained popularity in recent years, it is important to understand their limitations and potential risks before deciding whether to opt for this type of repair.

Understanding Trenchless Sewer Line Repair

Before getting into the reasons why trenchless sewer line repair may not be a good idea, let’s briefly understand what it entails. This method of sewer line repair is a technique used to fix damaged or deteriorating sewer lines without the need for extensive excavation. It involves inserting a liner or a pipe within the existing sewer line, effectively creating a new, structurally sound pipeline inside the old one.

The Drawbacks of Trenchless Sewer Line Repair

While this method sewer line repair may seem like an attractive option due to its minimal excavation requirements and shorter turnaround time, it is crucial to consider its drawbacks and limitations. Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Limited Suitability

Trenchless sewer line repair is not suitable for all types of sewer line damages. It is most effective for fixing minor cracks, leaks, or corrosion along the pipes. However, if the sewer line has collapsed or suffered severe damage, traditional sewer line replacement methods may be the only viable solution. The limited suitability of trenchless repair can result in additional expenses if the method fails to address the underlying issue.

Potential for Future Issues

While this method sewer line repair may provide a temporary fix, it is important to note that the technique does not address the root cause of the problem. If the sewer line has underlying issues such as tree root intrusion or misaligned pipes, these issues may persist even after a trenchless repair. Neglecting to address these root causes can lead to recurrence of the problem and the need for frequent repairs.

Limited Lifespan

Trenchless sewer line repair methods, such as cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining, typically have a limited lifespan compared to traditional excavation and replacement. The liners used in the trenchless process can degrade over time and may require replacement sooner than expected. This can result in additional costs and inconvenience down the line, making trenchless repair a less cost-effective option in the long run.

Potential Environmental Impact

Although trenchless sewer line repair is often touted as an environmentally friendly option, it is worth considering the potential impact it may have. Some trenchless methods involve the use of chemical resins and epoxy materials, which can raise concerns about their environmental safety and long-term effects on water quality. Additionally, inadequate installation or improper disposal of materials used in the trenchless repair process can lead to additional environmental hazards.

Potential for Misdiagnosis

This method of sewer line repair relies on accurate diagnosis of the underlying issue to determine its effectiveness. However, without a thorough sewer camera inspection by experienced plumbers, there is a risk of misdiagnosis. Misidentifying the problem can lead to ineffective repairs, wasted time, and unnecessary expenses. It is crucial to ensure that the chosen repair method aligns with the specific needs of the sewer line.

In Summary

While trenchless sewer line repair may offer certain advantages in terms of reduced excavation and faster turnaround time, it is important to assess its limitations and potential risks. Consider the suitability of trenchless repair for the specific condition of your sewer line, the potential for future issues, the limited lifespan of the repair, the environmental impact, and the risk of misdiagnosis. By weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether this method of sewer line repair is the right choice for your needs.

How Hydro Jetting Can Prevent Costly Plumbing Issues for Businesses in Chicago

How Hydro Jetting Can Prevent Costly Plumbing Issues for Businesses in Chicago

Hydro Jetting: The Key to Preventing Costly Plumbing Issues for Businesses in Chicago

When it comes to running a successful business in Chicago, maintaining the plumbing system is often overlooked. However, neglecting your plumbing can lead to costly repairs and disruptions to your operations. That’s where hydro jetting comes in. This powerful and efficient technique can help businesses in Chicago prevent plumbing issues, saving them both time and money. Here we will explore how hydro jetting works and why it is a must-have solution for businesses in Chicago.

The Need for Preventive Plumbing Maintenance

Plumbing issues can be a nightmare for any business owner. From clogged drains to sewer backups, these problems can quickly escalate and cause significant disruptions to daily operations. In addition to the hassle they create, plumbing issues can also result in costly repairs, property damage, and even potential health hazards.

To avoid these problems, proactive measures must be taken to maintain the plumbing system. While routine inspections and maintenance play a vital role, hydro jetting has emerged as a game-changer for businesses in Chicago.

What is Hydro Jetting?

Hydro jetting is a highly efficient method of cleaning and maintaining plumbing pipes and drains. It utilizes a specialized machine that emits high-pressure water streams to remove buildup, debris, and blockages from within the pipes. The water pressure is around 4000 PSI (pounds per square inch), which is powerful enough to clear out even the most stubborn obstructions.

This method is superior to traditional drain cleaning techniques such as a sewer rodding service or using chemical cleaners. While snaking may only clear a small portion of the clog, hydro jetting ensures a thorough cleaning by reaching the entire pipe’s diameter and eliminating all buildups along the way.

commercial hydro jetting service in chicago.

Hydro jetting is a highly efficient method of cleaning and maintaining plumbing pipes and drains. It utilizes a specialized machine that emits high-pressure water streams to remove buildup, debris, and blockages from within the pipes.

Why is Hydro Jetting Ideal for Businesses in Chicago?

Chicago, known for its extreme weather conditions, is prone to plumbing issues that can wreak havoc on businesses. The freezing temperatures in winter can cause water in pipes to freeze and expand, resulting in pipe bursts and leaks. Additionally, the older infrastructure in some areas of the city is more susceptible to corrosion and blockages.

Hydro jetting is well-suited to tackle these specific challenges. By using high-pressure water streams, it can effectively remove ice, debris, and sediment buildup that commonly occurs in the pipes during the winter months. This preventive approach helps businesses minimize the risk of frozen pipes and costly burst pipe repairs.

Moreover, hydro jetting can also address the issue of aging infrastructure. With its powerful force, it can break through tree root infiltrations, grease buildup, and other obstructions that may occur in older pipes. By clearing these blockages, hydro jetting extends the lifespan of the plumbing system and prevents potential issues from arising.

The Benefits of Hydro Jetting for Businesses

Hydro jetting offers numerous benefits to businesses in Chicago. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

Prevents Future Plumbing Issues

By thoroughly cleaning the pipes, hydro jetting eliminates any obstructions that could lead to future plumbing problems. This proactive approach prevents costly repairs, system downtime, and disruptions to business operations.

Saves Money

Investing in regular hydro jetting maintenance can save businesses significant amounts of money in the long run. By preventing major plumbing issues, businesses avoid the need for expensive repairs, pipe replacements, and property damage restoration.

Improves Drainage Performance

Over time, debris, grease, and other substances can accumulate inside the plumbing pipes, leading to slow drainage. Hydro jetting effectively removes these blockages, ensuring optimal drainage performance and preventing backups.

Environmentally Friendly

Unlike chemical cleaners that may contain harmful ingredients, hydro jetting relies on the force of water to clean the pipes. It is an eco-friendly solution that does not pose any risk to the environment or the health of individuals using the facility.

Maintains Hygiene and Health Standards

In businesses where cleanliness and hygiene are crucial, such as restaurants or healthcare facilities, hydro jetting is vital. It ensures that the plumbing system remains free from contaminants and bacteria, maintaining the highest hygiene and health standards.

hydro jetting service for a business in chicago.

Make sure the service provider utilizes state-of-the-art hydro jetting equipment. Modern machines with adjustable pressure settings allow for customized cleaning depending on the specific needs of your business.

Choosing the Right Hydro Jetting Service

While hydro jetting is a highly effective solution, it is essential to choose the right service provider to ensure optimal results. When selecting a hydro jetting service in Chicago, consider the following:

Experience and Expertise

Look for a service provider with extensive experience in hydro jetting for commercial properties. A company with a skilled team of technicians familiar with the complexities of Chicago’s plumbing systems will ensure a job well done.

Advanced Equipment

Make sure the service provider utilizes state-of-the-art hydro jetting equipment. Modern machines with adjustable pressure settings allow for customized cleaning depending on the specific needs of your business.

24/7 Emergency Services

Plumbing emergencies can happen at any time, so it’s crucial to choose a plumber that offer emergency services. Knowing you have a reliable partner to rely on in case of a sudden plumbing issue provides peace of mind.

Maintenance Plans

Consider selecting a service provider that offers preventative maintenance plans. Regular hydro jetting can help you stay ahead of potential plumbing issues and ensure the ongoing efficiency and reliability of your plumbing system.

To Sum it Up

For businesses in Chicago, hydro jetting is not just a preventive measure; it is an investment in the longevity and functionality of the plumbing system. By incorporating hydro jetting into their maintenance plans, businesses can avoid costly repairs, minimize disruptions, and ensure optimal plumbing performance. So don’t wait for a plumbing disaster to strike—reach out to a reputable hydro jetting service provider in Chicago and experience the benefits firsthand!